Page 107 - Life is Good Style 2018_английская версия
P. 107

The best of the best  | LIFE IS GOOD TEAM  109

                 Briefly about myself before meeting             relatives. And the life position became fateful – at one of
                 with the Life is Good.                          the international seminars in 2012, I met Anatolii Nalivan,
                 I was born on July 16, 1968 in Sibay, in one of the most   who later became my husband, mentor and business
               picturesque high-mountain areas of the Republic of   partner.  Since  that  time,  Anatolii  and  I  go  both  in  life
               Bashkortostan. Together with my parents at the age of 5, I left   and in business only together. Now we are a family, we
               for the legendary youth construction site BAM in the Amur   breathe together, we think together, we work together –
               region. I grew up and studied there until the 8th grade.   we live together! From the very first days of the company’s
                 I am the eldest daughter in the family. Mother raised two   existence in 2014, I became a client and employee of the
               daughters and a son, alone, working at three jobs, requiring   Life is Good. Since 2016, leaving the post of a Financial
               tremendous physical exertion. Since childhood, the whole   Director, I work only for the Life is Good holding.
               family knew the price of
               well-being  and  mutual                                                      How did you achieve
               support. All this formed my                                                your first success?
               character – purposefulness,                                                  From  March  2016  to
               responsibility, competitive                                                March 2018, that is, within
               spirit, I always have to be on                                             two  years,  I  reached  the
               the front flank: most active                                               6-level  Director  for  the
               in  events,  did  not  miss  a                                             Life  is  Good  Company!
               single school event, always                                                Currently, the customers
               was a class komsorg.                                                       and employees of the Life
                 Education  and  training.                                                is Good are all members
               The ability to set goals                                                   of  our family: husband,
               since childhood allowed                                                    mother, sister and son, and
               me to be a straight-A                                                      all close relatives.
               student and later in 1985 to                                                 As a true leader, I need
               enter Moscow Cooperative                                                   to actively support my team
               Institute,  despite  the  fact                                             (I  am  interested  in  their
               that   the  competition                                                    promotion and growth)
               among the applicants was        MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS AND AWARDS              and organize motivating
               huge.  I  entered  without      My biggest achievement is that my husband and   events, such as team-based
               any support, although it        son are nearby, and I have a favorite job – the   joint  business  training,
               was  very  difficult,  almost   Life is Good. All other achievements against the   joint  sporting  events,
               impossible. The goal to         above mentioned just fade.                 trips to seminars... The
               become a good economist                                                    memorable dates of each
               and study at Moscow             HOBBIES AND INTERESTS                      team member, birthdays
               Cooperative     Institute       My biggest hobby, which just can satisfy my   and new achievements
               appeared from school.           income in the Life is Good, is shopping! I   are  not  ignored.  I  feel
               My relatives knew me as a       love and want for myself and my relatives all   the  trust  and  respect  of
               very calm, soft and gentle      the best - so we create the best conditions,   my team, and they are
               girl, they supported me,        improving our lives! In this business, making   always ready to support
               but they worried that there     money is also becoming a hobby. Because    me in all undertakings and
               was not enough steeliness.      it is very interesting! I get great pleasure   situations. Together we go
               This only strengthened my       from the opportunity to travel and learn   to achieve the stated goals!
               intention and gave more         new things! I also like to practice yoga and   The  more  significant  the
               strength to achieve the         develop spiritually!                       result I received, the more
               goal.                                                                      I  have  the  strength  and
                 Being an active person,                                                  desire to achieve a new
               I came to work on the distribution for the government   goal. And I am absolutely confident in my business, I am
               organization «Potrebkooperatsiia» very soon, in 1990. In   sure that it is eternal, it will be passed on from generation to
               1991,  I  went  to  work  for  the  tax  inspectorate  of  Agidel   generation, and in this business we will create family capital.
               of the Republic of Bashkortostan, where I worked for 20   This  confidence  is  transmitted  to  customers,  the  aura  of
               years.                                            success and the excellent prospects of our business is in the
                 In 2011, I became the Director of a large construction   air. And the real basis of our business is that in the future
               organization. In 2012-2016 I worked as a Financial Director   cooperatives  can  become  an  effective  incentive  for  the
               of a large technical project organization.        economic development of the country, since this system
                                                                 is based on the immediate material needs. Thousands of
                 What brought you to the Life is Good?           people have already improved their living conditions. Now
                 Being an economist, having passed the 90s, realizing   these opportunities are available to everyone in Russia,
               that time flies forever, my son is growing up, I was looking   Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus. And in general, there is a
               for a way to secure my future and the future of my   part of our efforts.

               LIFE IS GOOD. STYLE | №  1                                                                                                                                                                                                  
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