Page 119 - Life is Good Style 2018_английская версия
P. 119
The best of the best | LIFE IS GOOD TEAM 121
Briefly about myself before meeting
with the Life is Good.
I am 66, I am from Almaty, Kazakhstan. I have got
higher education, the length of my employment in state
authorities in the government is 37 years. I worked as the
Chief of Branch of Personnel and Control Department,
Executive Secretary of collegiate organ of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of the country. I am a diplomat with 10-
year term of employment; the last 10 years I worked in the
Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
After retirement I kept working on a contractual basis in
the Parliament of the country.
I also have the government awards from the President
of the country. Lately I have got a medal from the Minister
of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan “25 years of MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS AND AWARDS
diplomatic service of Kazakhstan” and “20 years of Astana”. I have got all awards which the company
Marital status. My family consists of five persons: son, gives, they are a silver mark of distinction, gold
daughter-in-law and two granddaughters. My son works watch with one diamond, with 12 diamonds, a
in the oil company of Kazakhstan; my daughter-in-law has diamond mark of the director of the company; I
her own business. My elder granddaughter Ailin is a pupil am the best employee of the company of 2015,
of the 3rd form and actively participates in the company, 2016, 2017. I took training courses in Business
she travels with me all the time – Baltic cruise, Sri Lanka Academy of the company, studied oratory,
and other countries. My younger granddaughter, Aisha, leadership training LS-1, LS-2, LS-3 in Budapest.
goes to the kindergarten and is flying with me to Ibiza, I am a member of the intellectual club “What?
Spain. They know everything about our company. Where? When?”. As a participant of TOP-20
visited Brazil and South Africa together with
What brought you to the Life is Good? R.V. Vasilenko. In September I am going to Ibiza
At first I came to the company as a client at the invitation in Spain, I have already fulfilled the promotion
of my acquaintances and opened an account, I started for India and I am going there with the team in
working actively and gradually I liked the work – I reached January 2019. Life is good!
the rank of the director of the 6th level on November
23, 2017. And then I resigned from the Parliament and HOBBIES AND INTERESTS
started working in the company Life is Good with great I like travelling, I have been to all continents
pleasure. Generally speaking it is quite new business, but of the world except Australia. I learn spiritual
this business turned out to be very interesting. Of course, practices; I have had a spiritual advisor in India
I was very impressed by the President of the company for more than ten times. I went to India for
R.V. Vasilenko. After the first presentation in the city of training by various directions of the personality
Almaty I at once made my decision that this man was to development. I go swimming, play tennis.
be followed and he would lead to success.
I believe this company is number one in the network objectives. The fundamental principles of achieving success
business. It is the only one company which no client leaves, are persistence, personal leadership, operational efficiency
there is no client outflow. With each passing month the in completing tasks, competence and professionalism. It
clients are getting richer and richer. Even if the structure is necessary to work and labour everywhere doing your
does not work, all the same you get passive income from best. I know how to do this and I want to be financially
the clients once attracted. There is a fixed salary for the independent for life!
directors and no company can afford this. The President I am taking active measures to promote a flagship of
has arranged the work in such a way that this business is the company – social development project on Housing
a turn-key project, you just need to make use of it and Cooperative in Kazakhstan, Russia, Kyrgyzstan. All
promote business. The company has its own business members of my family and I are cooperative shareholders
academy with the coaches of world class; Life is Good in Kazakhstan; more than 10 persons from my structure
invests in training of its employees. And that is the answer have already acquired the apartments and about one
to all questions, why I have chosen this company. I am hundred persons among my partners are on the waiting
thankful to my fate that I work in this company. Since 2015 list for housing. We help people acquire accommodation.
by this day I have performed all promotional activities and Within the company I work for charitable causes. I pay
visited about 20 countries of the world. entrance membership fee in the cooperative in Kazakhstan
for low-income people, they are relatives, friends, those
How did you obtain the first success? who for the time being have no money to acquire the
You should try to organize yourself in the right way accommodation. And it is thanks to the company where
and to have enough time to do everything! My day, I can earn money and in such way to help those who are
week, month and year are well planned and I fulfill stated badly in need.