Page 123 - Life is Good Style 2018_английская версия
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The best of the best | LIFE IS GOOD TEAM 125
Briefly about myself before meeting the opportunity to strengthen financial independence,
with the Life is Good. and also to go on great and inviting travels. With the
I was born in the Chuvash Republic, village of Kainlyk. appearance of the company Life is Good in my life a
Since a young age knowing what labour was I helped new stage started, which helped to see the life on the
my parents to keep the house and to bring up my new side. I grateful to Imre and Oksana for showing me
younger brother. I am grateful to them for giving me the ways to achieve my goals and the possibility to see
such hardening, as well as for bringing me up being the world. What is more, I could give such possibilities
hard-working and appreciating family values. Soon it to my children! I got confidence in the future by
was time to move to the capital of the Republic of securing the future of my parents and children. This
Tatarstan – very beautiful ancient city Kazan. I settled is what earlier I could only dream about. This is a goal
down there, carried on traditional business. The first of any person. You can be happy only if the results of
trials, an attempt to be independent, “freelance” work your activity provide significant improvement of living
yielded their expected dividends, but all the same I conditions, when you give your family joy and calm.
wish to have more.
I have always wished to develop myself and to be How did you obtain the first success?
recognized. We get what we want and the fate did so Success cannot be quick and it was not very easy,
that I met Oksana Ivanova, who is my chief now. Oksana but only due to everyday small steps, attendance of
and I were engaged in life insurance. At that stage seminars, self-development, and formation of my
we both understood that own team my efforts
it was time “to finish” started to produce the
traditional business. A results in half a year. It
lot of possibilities were is important to motivate
offered around, but yourself for goal, for
we did not want to try success in a right way.
everything and anything You know what you want
and to spend our time to achieve, don’t you?
and efforts in a wrong It is your decision and
direction. How to choose nobody can make you
the right thing? In this work except you yourself.
situation sage advice is Two years and some
necessary, a meeting months later I became
with the right man. And the director of 6th level
soon such opportunity and it is not my limit. It is
presented itself! Working pleasure to participate in
in the sphere of life all programs, to fulfill the
insurance during our promotions. I would like
activity we turned out to say a special thanks to
to be at the training of Roman Vasilenko for such
Imre Gonda who later MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS AND AWARDS motivational systems of
gave assistance to us in I am recognized to be the best employee of remuneration. Everything
developing business and the year and win all promotions. I provided is thought out correctly!
getting acquainted with financial security to my family and myself.
company Life is Good. I set my heart on self-development every What is the secret of
And being mother day, I travel. your success?
of two sons I, of course, You may achieve
began to think of the HOBBIES AND INTERESTS success only if you love
necessity to provide I like to arrange family parties with my what you do! Doing your
immovable property to children, treating them to their favorite work every day with
them; that is why the dishes. I like Tartarian music and walks in my persistence, patience and
products offered by the own garden in the evenings. Life is good! love and having feedback
company Life is Good from your grateful clients,
did not allow me to stay you become happy and
indifferent. cannot but be the part of
this success! Feeling happiness from working process
What brought you to the Life is Good? is worth much. And the process when you result in
As I have already mentioned above, it was vital win over circumstances doing your business with
necessity. persistence and love, systematically being taught,
In this company I saw not only the possibility to hardens your leadership skills, stamina and diligence,
acquire the immovable property on fantastic terms, forms disciplinary qualities. Success is the combination
but also the perspectives for personal development, of these qualities.