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The best of the best  | LIFE IS GOOD TEAM  129

                 Briefly about myself before meeting
                 with the Life is Good.                                 MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS AND AWARDS
                 I was born in Aznakaevo, in a small town of oil-workers.   I have already registered the apartment bought
               But my brightest impressions are connected with the city   in a Housing Cooperative in Kazan under the
               which I’ve liked since my childhood – Kazan!             ownership. I have paid my share-debt to a
                 Education  and  training.  I  love  learning  very  much!  It   housing cooperative. And now there is the
               is always interesting to discover new hidden abilities and   example how quickly the transfer of ownership
               talents!  According  to  my  first  education  I  am  biologist-  occurs. I have fulfilled a promotion to Vietnam;
               physiologist of man and a specialist in medical biochemistry,   I have received a badge, the fee of about
               I graduated from Kazan State University. Then I completed   Euro 2000! I was flying high above the sky
               accounting courses (to work as an engineer of Labor and   when I was standing on the stage as the best
               Wages Department, calculator) and for 10 years I was working   employee together with the first leaders at the
               at school as a teacher of chemistry and biology. Now a lot   first congress of our Holding in Moscow! I’ve
               of my pupils follow me to Life is Good! Besides I was also   become the director of the 6th level for 2.5
               a student of in the International Academy of Leadership of   years, about 200 people in the structure. I have
               Mark Atlasov and Sofia Atlasova.                         bought an apartment in a housing cooperative.

                 What brought you to the Life is Good?                  HOBBIES AND INTERESTS
                 Network marketing knocked at my door in 1997. In two   I adore the walks in the forest, the journeys, short
               months of trials and errors I made, as it turned out, a key   and long! The most natural state of my mind and
               decision in my life – did not return to my main work after   body is when I am dancing! I teach it easily and
               maternity  leave.  For  the  first  year  of  my  work  in  a  new   with pleasure, I enjoy it! That’s why I am determined
               industry, arising in the country, I reached a monthly fee equal   to open a dancing school. I love cooking, being
               to 1000 US dollars! I decided that the network marketing was   engage in design. I love life.
               for me, it was the most independent and the shortest way to
               my dream! It was “the point of no return”!
                 The result of my efforts is 15 years of financially-backed life,   Rostov gave me a lot of unforgettable impressions and
               travelling around the world with children, going dancing and   discoveries! One of them was the meeting with Aleksandr
               doing yoga. There was only one concern: to save the funds   and Nelli Chzhen, we were on the same wavelength! At first
               and to accumulate more for future. In 2013 I deposited my   sight I felt as if I were in a big family! My heart is with you,
               first Euro 1000 to long-term investment account. I became   my dear! The most unexpected discovery in Rostov became
               quite active client, but did not move further.    Andrias Vins with his highly professional training “velvet
                 In  2015  when  my  granddaughter  was  born,  a  pressing   sales” – the seminar in Rostov played a significant role in my
               housing problem arose before my daughter and son-in-law,   advancement!
               they, as a lot of others, took out a mortgage, – and what! –   I still keep studying within the framework of our business
               overpaid amount for 20 years is as for two apartments. And   academy,  the  training  there  is  unique  as  for  effectiveness!
               my incidental acquaintance invited me to the presentation   Every new stage of training is useful for me, and the results
               of a new housing program… From the first moment I felt:   are visible at once!
               that was the answer! But I still have some doubts, that’s why I   My fundamental principles of obtaining success in brief:
               studied, compared, calculated and became a shareholder of   START! KEEP PACE! AND SUCCEED!
               a housing cooperative. I took my friend with me. I opened the   Do and not give up!!! Creativity, drive, passion and love in
               accounts, I had known about them from experience. Thus,   what you do! “A quick man eats a strong man” – to be quick
               having become a shareholder of a Housing Cooperative I   in making decisions and launching a new business without a
               helped my children to change from mortgage to payment   moment’s hesitation, will it work, – it will work! It is never late
               by  installments  with  zero  percent!  And  now  instead  of   to start! Having started, don’t stop! Do at least anything to
               mortgaged apartment they live in the apartment bought on   reach your goal!
               the hire-purchase system for 10 years under 0% through Best   What is the secret of your success?
               Way housing cooperative.                            My  business  task  is  to  learn  and  to  love  what  I  do.  To
                                                                 spread the passion over as many people as possible, to make
                 How did you obtain the first success?           them fall in love with what they do! That is simple winning
                 Your first steps?                               approach! I love what I do passionately! Everybody around
                 I  must  note  that  I  would  not  have  made  that  decision   me feels that and one way or another follows me!
               then but for Anatolii Viktorovich Nalivan, who conducted the   You  should  just  make  a  decision  –  to  keep  pace  with
               presentation in Kazan. So my fate gave me another present   successful people! Have time to gain experience and succeed
               – since then he has become a wise tutor and a real friend!   in all aspects and directions of your business. To do a little
               But I entered into business after the seminar in Rostov in 2015   more than you can. To become a winner! It means that you
               where I went to see and to hear the “captain of the ship”,   have taught the other, sared your experience and knowledge
               Roman Viktorovich Vasilenko, personally. It was a discovery   for success of others,– this is the mission. I work professionally
               for me! And when I came home, I created the structure of 15   and due to this I enjoy and have drive! I am always open for
               persons during a month, and did 300 units per month.  something new, for changes, for growth!

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