Page 131 - Life is Good Style 2018_английская версия
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The best of the best | LIFE IS GOOD TEAM 133
Briefly about myself before meeting together, nobody makes you do this. Of course, my
with the Life is Good. friends and almost all relatives told that I was busy with
I was born in Northern Kazakhstan, in Borovskoy trifles, but I tell you one thing, I was very lucky to have
settlement, moved to Kustanay. Having worked as an those people who taught me the basics of this business
employee I understood in a training college that I would all these several years. Experience of my tutors and
hardly manage to become independent. I moved to my stubbornness, the wish to prove everybody that I
Krasnoyarsk to my brothers and I am endlessly thankful understood what I was doing, helped me to outstand
to this city and the fate for what I was taught in this and understand that I was right and I just had to give
beautiful place of the country. My relatives invited me myself some time to master skills and experience.
to their small business. I always say thank you to my In 2015 I got acquainted with the company Life is
brothers that they gave me my first business education, Good as a client, I started using the products which the
showed me what the competition and right business company offered. In two years I already had a good
were. I was hungrily absorbing all information, our credit of trust to the company, successfully applying its
business was growing and flourishing for more than products practically. I decided to make use of a great
seven years. But not always everything depends on flagship product of the company – the cooperative Best
your professionalism, crisis of 2008-2009 absorbed and Way and to acquire the immovable property for my
digested our for the time being flourishing business. family on the terms which were very favourable, and
what is more important, affordable for every citizen of
What brought you to the Life is Good? our country.
I started looking for my place in the world in other Having studied everything thoroughly, flown to
niches. I found out that it was possible to earn money the event organized for information on this business
on the Internet. By that time I had married a wonderful and product, I got to know the management of the
girl and our favourite little girl was born. Savings from company better. Having listened and understood the
old business were finishing and the family binds and objectives and mission of the company: “Join together
motivates for actions. I decided to get higher economic to live” I “fell ill” with this great idea and these people’s
education, to grope which ambitions at once. These
direction it was necessary days it is such time, my
to move. At the same time MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS AND AWARDS friends, that you can do
I, having obtained the The incentive scheme in Life is Good is business only in the team
diploma of trader, little thought-out properly. My family and I have of determined people;
by little started earning visited several countries this year. I am this is the time of people
money at the financial awarded with gold watch with diamonds, with versatile mind. That
markets, studying in the nominated for the award at the Kremlin “For is why I decided to join
university what economics, shown civil responsibility and contribution to because I saw that there
marketing, securities and strengthening of economics of the state” from were only professionals
management were. Heralds’ College of the Russian Federation. there. I found what I had
In 2011 I ran across been looking for such
network marketing “by HOBBIES AND INTERESTS long time!
accident”. I was impressed I am passionate about and proud of doing
by network business business in this great team of leaders, I am What is the secret of
model. In “earthly” business getting huge esthetic pleasure, I am sure that your success?
the more competitors you we will achieve colossal results, I completely My fundamental
outrun in your niche, the agree with the words of the president of our principles are fairness,
better, and in network company R.V. Vasilenko: “We have created the constant growth, sincerity
model – the more people most effective business system. Life is Good is and respect of the
you teach to do this success!” person’s dignity. Just
business, in other words to in a little more than a
bring up the leaders and year due to all-powerful
to make them richer, the richer you become yourself. educational system in this company, competent
I think it is the right and honest model of conduct of management and systematic approach of our team,
business. You expend your energy in creating, and do I managed to reach the career band of the director,
not “kill yourself” in severe competition. to create an organization of more than 300 people,
In a couple of years I understood the power and who are, like me, taught in International IBA Academy
difference of the lever of multi-level marketing from with business-coaches of the world level. I make good
single-level marketing which at that time was almost money; my family does not need anything. We have
in all spheres of sales. I will not specify all mistakes I moved to Yekaterinburg to live in our own apartment.
made, I will not deny that that time was difficult for me I really get a thrill out of what I am engaged into, I am
and my family while I was learning to treat this business constantly learning, people in the team are developing
as business, having understood and learnt to do it in and make good money. What can be more motivation
the right way. The most difficult thing is to get it all in business?