Page 133 - Life is Good Style 2018_английская версия
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The best of the best | LIFE IS GOOD TEAM 135
Briefly about myself before meeting the scheme of work of a cooperative, I at once made
with the Life is Good. a decision being then the head of several companies
I was born in Saratov and spent the most part of that such project was what we needed FOR SURE. We
my life there, but in 2013 I went to northern capital to did not have our own housing program but there were
perform the contract and stayed in this wonderful city those who wished to invest into immovable property
on the Neva. or to improve their housing conditions. As for the time
Education and training: Ph.D. in Economics, assistant being I was the chairman of the Board of the other
professor of the chair of banking. But I have always cooperative, I easily understood all peculiarities of the
liked to study and for all my life I have collected a operation of Housing Cooperative “Best Way” and
vast number of different realized that this business
diplomas and certificates had promising future.
confirming the completion
of different courses and How did you achieve
seminars such as teacher, your first success?
psychologist and coacher. What were the first
And even now I keep on steps?
studying. Every month I If I were asked whether
try to undergo business it was difficult to work
training or coaching when there were no
program, or attend a offices, purchased objects
seminar. or promotion, then I say
I have always been it was easier! We were
entr epr eneurially- going with the idea and
inclined. I have always we were followed by
had a lot of work as a people who understood
consultant, coach or that their own happiness
speaker. I had my own and material welfare were
consulting agency, and in in their hands.
2014 a group of activists This project has lots
and I tried to establish of sides and lots of
a big multifunctional possibilities. My principle
Holding, where there were has always been: “Never
incredible possibilities for give up”, but in business
personality development oriented to people it is
and capital provision. I important to SEE the
have been engaged in others and to place a
consultancy and training priority on THEIR needs
for more than 20 years. MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS AND AWARDS and tasks. I start out
Marital status: I am If to talk about the awards in the Holding, then, FROM a person, from his/
married and one can say I think, the main of them is the possibility to her values, his/her needs,
that at the present time perform on the stage, and, of course, the 1st his/her wishes. My task
Life is Good is a family place in the game “What? Where? When?” at here is to help millions of
business in which even the forum of 2017! My team won and I, as the people to wake up and
younger children take captain, was very proud of this! to see that LIFE IS GOOD
part! HOBBIES AND INTERESTS and each of us can make
I like studying, learning something, it such for himself and his
What brought you writing articles and books, and drawing. family. God gave me a
to the Life is Good? It sounds trivially but all my life is built gift to light the hearts of
The story of my on implementation of my hobbies – other people, and that’s
cooperation is probably performances, travelling, writing texts, what I do in this project.
unique. We got conducting webinars. I have different awards
acquainted with Evgenii To succeed in any business it is necessary to and achievements in my
Chaichuk at that moment SEE THE OBJECTIVE, TO BELIEVE IN YOURSELF life. The most valuable I
when I was looking for AND TO SEE NO OBSTACLES! consider two diplomas
professional financial My website: from the corporation
advisors for my project, “Prosperity” – as the best
and in his person I found coach of personal growth
an incredible combination of knowledge, calmness and the best motivational coach! To be a coach and a
professionalism and charisma. I was ready to any speaker is my gift, and it is the main helper and the
dialogue with this person. When in 2014 we analyzed main tool in the business of “Life is Good”.