Page 137 - Life is Good Style 2018_английская версия
P. 137

The best of the best  | LIFE IS GOOD TEAM  139

                 Briefly about myself before meeting             circle where you will have the opportunity to learn
                 with the Life is Good.                          something new, to strife for something and it will
                 I was born in Astana, Kazakhstan.               influence the level of your income.
                 Education: higher – KAGUA, legal expert; medical   6. All actions must be always written on the paper
               education.                                        to check their performance. The sixth principle is
                 I  worked  as  dietician  in  private  medical  center.  I   planning.
               am single.                                          7. After the performance of each planned action
                                                                 you should pat yourself on the back. To learn to
                 What brought you to the Life is Good?           respect and love yourself, to think positively. The way
                 In 2015 Aigul Kasabekova, an owner of the medical   you treat yourself is the way how people around you
               center I worked in, invited me to go to Moscow to   will treat you. The seventh principle is self-appraisal.
               mega event – the birthday of the company Life is    8. And the last principle of my success, and maybe
               Good,  New  Year  congress.  The  event  was  very   it is the first one, is faith. Prosperous people actually
               extensive. I was especially impressed by educational   believe in themselves and in their business.
               trainings of the leaders of the company, invited    I  am  often  asked:  why  did  I  decide  to  join  this
               speakers of international fame. For me it became   company  Life  is  Good?  And  I  answer  it  that  being
               a  great  motivation  for  further  actions.  I  concluded   a person who was always looking for happy and
               that it was very prestigious and serious organization   beautiful life, I saw here colossal perspectives.
               with  promising  future  promoting  unique  products.   I  can  proudly  say  that  I  entered  a  new  stage  of
               I  realized  that  I  wanted  to  work  in  this  company.
               Sometimes I am asked how I made up my mind to            MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS AND AWARDS
               change my profession of a medical worker to which        I consider personal growth the main thing.
               I devoted so much time and efforts, and to dig into      I underwent all educational programs
               network business. Everything is relative. Of course,     starting from the first oratory, LS1, LS2 to
               before  I  made  a  180-degree  turn  I  considered  all   Presidential oratory.
               pros  and  cons.  I  understood  that  only  in  network   The company Life is Good is interested in
               business  I  can  have  more  free  time,  live  a  full  life,   successful development of each partner, I
               communicate and work in team with goal-orientated        got education on business trainings of such
               people, close in spirit, views and attitude to life.
                                                                        world leaders as Allan Piz, Ron Jenson, Bob
                                                                        Doil, Andreas Vins, Dag Vid.
                 How  did  you  obtain  the  first  success?  The       I am awarded with personal watch with 1
               fundamental principles to achieve success?               and 12 diamonds, silver badge LG, have
                 When I arrived at Astana, I concluded a contract       already been to 10 countries of the world!
               and became a partner. If earlier I helped people to      And it is only the beginning! Another
               fight with their ailments, now I offer unique products   important achievement – I have gained
               due  to  which  a  man  can  gain  financial  freedom,   freedom, highly paid freedom!
               improve his housing conditions by advantageous
               and  available  methods.  And  when  people  having      HOBBIES AND INTERESTS
               used these offers solve these two the most important     Reading books, a possibility to attend
               questions, all illnesses which are mainly the results of   interesting educational trainings.
               stresses and worries, take a back seat. A man starts
               to enjoy his life which becomes more qualitative and
               interesting!  The  principles  of  achievement  of  my   my  life  with  the  company  Life  is  Good  and  I  want
               success:                                          to express gratitude to the President of the Holding
                 1. Work forward your designed goal systematically   Roman Viktorovich Vasilenko for the establishment
               and persistently, overcoming your complexes,      of a unique company which gives all chances to its
               doubts, objections.                               partners to conduct successful business in network
                 2. Improve your level of proficiency on a continuous   marketing.
               basis. To learn all rules and skills which are necessary   Special thanks for motivation and inspiration to
               to be known by each newcomer, consultant, leader.   my director Kasabekova Aigul Makhambetovna, she
               To attend all MBS and events of the company!      has been my support since my first days of work. She
                 3.  Wish  to  learn  and  to  move  forward  develop   is the leader whose professionalism is worth looking
               our  discipline  and  responsibility,  and  it  is  the  third   up to!
               principle to achieve success. What is planned must   I am thankful to all my parallel partners for mutual
               be fulfilled. And every time – in one step more.  assistance and friendship!
                 4. Any business requires investments. The         And, of course, many thanks to my team, without
               investment may be not only material, at the present   which  I  would  not  have  reached  the  director  rank!
               time the investments are efforts, energy.         Together we are strong! I want to wish newcomers:
                 5. Communicate with successful people more      set grandiose objectives, believe in your victory and
               often. Your circle is the fifth principle. To create such   keep on acting!

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