Page 141 - Life is Good Style 2018_английская версия
P. 141

The best of the best  | LIFE IS GOOD TEAM  143

                 Briefly about myself before meeting
                 with the Life is Good.
                 I am native of Saint Petersburg, the cultural capital of
               Russia. I am proud of it. Here the history is in everything,
               it is the most beautiful cities of the world.
                 Education and training. I graduated from the Academy
               named after Lesgaft in St. Petersburg, speciality – coach-
               teacher. After the military service I was working within
               my speciality for more than 12 years, simultaneously I got
               a profession of a consulting psychologist and a massage
                 Since 2004 I started engaging in financial activities and
               investment: I underwent training in this sphere, I have
               good experience in trading at securities market, Forex.
                 Marital  status:  I  am  married  with  Liliya  Vovk.  She  is
               my support, reliable  home front, loyal  partner in the
               company! Company Life is Good is our family business.
               Joint actions lead to bigger and quicker results. Synergetic   MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS AND AWARDS
               effect! I have son Mikhail, he is a big assistant in business,   In 2015 and 2016 – award “The best employee
               though he is just 13. I think that business of Life is Good   of the year”. In 2016 – the first silver badge
               is a family business.                                    of Life is Good. In 2017 I was awarded with a
                                                                        personal watch with a diamond; the second
                 What brought you to the Life is Good?                  silver badge of Life is Good. In 2018 I got
                 In 2009 the fate let me meet a person who showed       two awards – a personal Swiss watch with 12
               me how to save the capital more reliably, to protect it   diamonds. On September 22, 2018 I got the
               financially and to increase it. It was Roman Viktorovich   position of the Director of the 6th level that
               Vasilenko! Then I got acquainted with financial consulting   required a lot of efforts and time! In spring
               but I did not consider it as business at first…          2017 I gave my first regional basic seminar in
                 In 2014 at the invitation of my future chief Vera Isaeva,   St. Petersburg as a lecturer. I gave lectures in
               I got acquainted with company Life is Good! I had not    Kazakhstan, St. Petersburg.
               been thinking over the offer to work in the company, I
               started cooperating almost at once due to the fact that   HOBBIES AND INTERESTS
               the management of the company included people who I      I am a sportsman. I like going in for different
               trusted and had known for many years!                    kinds of sport, mainly competitive sport. I took
                 What  are  the  principles  of  success  in  work  with   part in the championships of St. Petersburg,
               the  clients?  I  think  that  the  fundamental  principles  to   Russia, in the international football tournaments;
               achieve success in the  company are  professionalism,    I have a title – Candidate Master of Sports.
               determination  to achieve objectives, assurance  in the   I obtained the title of the Candidate Master of
               company, in its products. Faith in what you do.          Sports in cross-country skiing, the title of the
                 About  very  pleasant  motivation…  The  company       Candidate Master of Sports in table tennis at
               rewards the employees and partners with journeys in case   St. Petersburg championship. Taking part in
               of fulfillment of particular plans. It is a great motivation   St. Petersburg championship in power lifting I
               to work in earnest. Do you remember the saying “Work     also obtained the title of the Candidate Master
               hard, play hard!”? Try to understand the meaning of this   of Sports. One of the most favorite things is
               saying carrying on ordinary business or working five-day   travelling!
               week… And you can do this far from always. But rest is
               very important.                                   have deserved it and you are appreciated. And you are
                 I  have  already  been  to  a  lot  of  countries:  Vietnam,   flying to gain strength and impressions which will help
               Thailand,  Montenegro,  Finland,  Sweden,  Estonia!  The   and motivate you to work harder in future! And it is great!
               journeys usually last 6-7 days! The impressions are great;   Then there was Thailand (it was the first time when
               it is pleasant that there were a lot of team-mates during   I was in the swimming-pool on the sky-scraper where
               the journeys!                                     the edge of the swimming-pool merged with the horizon
                 The first journey was unforgettable – it was a journey   and ocean! I will have these impressions for all my life!),
               to sunny Vietnam!                                 a cruise around the Baltic, Montenegro. Now  GOA
                 We flew in a group of team-mates, it was fun, it was   is looking forward for us. After each journey you are
               a big plane, half of the passengers were the consultants   charged with positive energy, you get new knowledge,
               in special blue T-shirts with Life is Good logotype who   new friends, emotions, and a lot of photos as mementos!
               attracted everybody’s attention! The passengers did not   I wish everybody to be successful at work and to have
               understand why there were so many of us and why “life   such rest when you understand that life is impressions,
               is good”?! And you are flying and understand that you   and life is good!

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