Page 143 - Life is Good Style 2018_английская версия
P. 143
The best of the best | LIFE IS GOOD TEAM 145
Briefly about myself before meeting I am grateful for this to a great man Roman Vasilenko
with the Life is Good. who we have known for many years. He is a real man,
I was born in Leningrad region where I worked all a source, the horn of plenty with his increasable ideas
my life. and offers of new business.
Education and training. Education is secondary
technical; speciality is a chief cook of the 6th category. How did you achieve your first success?What
The second education is higher – State Institute were the first steps?
of Economics, Finance, Law and Technology (State To say that I believed at once?.. It is not true. I
Municipal Administration). 9 years in succession I checked, looked through the papers, studied, but could
was elected as a Deputy of local and district council. not start working. But novelty, endless business training,
I represented Gatchina district in the Legislative super trainings and super coaches attracted. And once
Assembly of Leningrad region. I was the Head of an Roman Viktorovich told me: “If you cannot start here,
urban settlement for five years. I worked and work for fly to Kazakhstan, nobody knows you there and it will
charitable causes: children’s homes, hospitals, schools, be easier for you”. Amazing move! But I really managed
children’s competitions, organization of holidays for to build an excellent team in Kazakhstan. To find friends
veterans and children. Support of the project for is like a new family. I had to build up relationship…
construction of a big One can say, to live their
sports stadium next to life. I was lucky, I found
school, etc. And for today Marzhan there – my main
I am the deputy’s aide of branch. I can say that
the Legislative Assembly. today Almaty and Astana
Marital status: I am are my blood brothers, my
married, in 2019 there second family. For me the
will be 40 years of our fundamental principles
life together. My husband to achieve success in the
is an ideal for me. I Company are building
have three children and of relationship with the
three grandchildren. You team, endless trainings
should be able to built and learning, first of
your family happiness, all, these are human
learn diplomacy. relations. People are
the main competitive
What brought you advantage. People
to the Life is Good? who achieve success
I have always so rapidly and are the
considered that it is a example for others. They
shame to live poorly. MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS AND AWARDS are our President Roman
That’s why we performed Among the awards of our family are watches Vasilenko, counsellors
different works to achieve with 6 and 12 diamonds, five silver badges, to the President Evgenii
the set objectives and almost all journeys and travels, merit Chaichuk and Vyacheslav
prosperity for our large certificates and our recognition of being the Korotkevich. They are my
family. Last 27 years we best employees. Thank you very much! favourite family couples.
have carried on business. It is vacant business
Family business is one of HOBBIES AND INTERESTS segment at the market
the most stable and the My hobbies are Life is Good and travelling, – it is business without
most successful models fishing and gathering mushrooms, quad borders. It is work for the
especially in crisis time. bikes and fast driving by cars. long run. It is your own
Business is not roulette high-yielding business. It
but difficult everyday is care and attention.
work, risks. I am not afraid to start something from Today I am the director of the company and I am
point zero, and I know exactly that any crisis is a great very grateful to Yuryeva Natalia, my chief. I would never
opportunity to start everything again. Evidently, it be the director without my favorite chief – Evgenii
is my character. The main thing is to have a goal, Chaichuk. It is constant support, attention, assistance
wish. Idleness is the cause of all misfortunes in life. I in work with the team. I want to thank Vyacheslav
cannot and do not want to stay at home and to be Korotkevich for help and training. I want to thank
a housewife. It is surely not for me. But even so, all my team in Almaty under supervision of Marzhan
children have higher education, so saying, investment Sydikova, Oksana Obushchenko and her team. And I
into children were successful. Novelty always takes want to thank my family for patience, understanding
my breath away – and here my family and I are in and support. Thank you, Roman Viktorovich, for my
Life is Good. new life. Thank you!