Page 147 - Life is Good Style 2018_английская версия
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The best of the best | LIFE IS GOOD TEAM 149
Briefly about myself before meeting with that the company was developing, people who had told
the Life is Good. us about it, earned good money, and we decided to look
I was born in a small town in Volgograd region with into the matter once more and made the decision to do
the population of only 16 thousand people. serious business with the company Life is Good.
Education and training. After leaving school I got a Life is Good is a family business. It is very important
profession of a tractor driver. When I was 14, I started when your wife understands you, and what is more
working as a combine driver assistant. Since then I have important that she works with you in one direction and is
supported myself with no outside help. not only a wife, but also an equal partner and friend. Life
Marital status: I am 44, I am married and have four is Good is not only work for us, we just live this business,
children. it is our hobby and our biggest interest.
What brought you to the Life is Good? How did you obtain the first success? First steps?
After the military service I worked on the construction When it comes to the principles to achieve success,
site, but very soon I realized that life could be quite then they are undoubtedly, first of all, moral certainty and
different. My ambitions and wish to live better were so assurance that we offer people what is really useful and
strong that I went to Moscow having only 700 rubles in necessary for them. As the saying goes, it is impossible
my pocket. At that moment I understood that I would to be more convincing than to be more convinced. If you
never return no matter how difficult it would be. have moral certainty, then people believe you and follow
I started working at prefabricate plant as a concrete you very easily. Probably, that is why it was quite easy
mixer driver, then I worked at wood-processing plant. But from the first day, and there were contracts and career
of course I understood all this time that I came there for growth.
quite different purpose. That year I entered the Russian From the first days we also assumed the responsibility
State University for the Humanities and completed the for our business. Nobody owes us anything and our
first course with honors, but I left it as I understood success depends only on us.
that higher was good, but self-education and practice We made our own website, recorded some educational
were more interesting and closer to me. I worked as an video clips on YouTube channel, and, of course, we called
employee in different trading companies: from a sales to and met with our acquaintances with whom we had
representative to the head of sales department. worked earlier, communicated, were friends.
As a result, in 2005 I opened a chain of menswear It was the beginning of our team, ambitious, bright
stores. The profit was interesting, but all the same I felt and determined people started to appear who like we
that something was missing, I wanted to fulfill myself wanted to change their life for better.
in a different way. And I Of course, special
continued looking for new thanks to our chief
opportunities. MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS AND AWARDS Gennady Moskaev! It is a
And in 2008 I received What has changed for this time? Almost decent and responsible
a call from my old friend everything has changed! Our life has become person, a real leader and
who said that there was an brighter, its quality and standard have an expert who never
idea for a million and that changed! We travel both around Russia and refuses to help and to
was what I was looking around the world. It is especially pleasant that support.
for. In such a way I leant every 3 months the company gives us such And only in 1 year
about MLM industry. I a great possibility as a journey for two to the and 10 months the first
could not get past the best places in the world. Very soon we are important goal, which had
idea it was easier to have going to a fantastic island Ibiza, and we have been set at the beginning
1% profit from the efforts already won a promotion to GOA! It takes our of our way – the director
of 100 persons than 100% breath away from what will wait for us ahead. of the 6th career level –
profit from your own was achieved!
efforts. Since then network
marketing has become ingrained in my life. Of course, What is the secret of your success?
all these years I worked in different network companies, Of course, people constantly ask me different
and it so happened that everything worked out very questions, and almost everybody is waiting for some
well from the very beginning, there were no particular magic pill which will help to get everything. There is no
disappointments. From the first days in this new for me magic pill, the most important thing is to work, to assume
business I earned good money, but all the same I kept the responsibility and not to wait when somebody will do
on looking for the company where I would like to fulfill everything instead of you, you should teach, attend all
myself in full. events of the company, to communicate with successful
In 2015 my friend Gennadiy Moskaev invited me and leaders and the success will not be slow to arrive. I want
my wife to the meeting. To tell you the truth we liked to sum up with the phrase which has always been some
everything we even opened a small account, but all the kind of slogan for us: “You may always find people who
same I did not understand the depth and perspective will undertake a task with pleasure. You just need to
of this business well enough. And only in one year I saw move forward and do not stop”.