Page 129 - Life is Good Style 2018_английская версия
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The best of the best | LIFE IS GOOD TEAM 131
Briefly about myself before meeting
with the Life is Good.
I was born in Kuibyshev – the city located on the bend
of the Volga river, the city of industrial and air production,
the city of rocket builders and tank shippers, the city of
academy theatres and own film studio.
Marital status. My wife has a multinational family,
children, grandchildren, and I take part in their life with the
great pleasure.
Education and training. I got my first higher education
after call up to service with the Soviet Army having
graduated from the Aviation Institute – the faculty of metal
treatment under pressure, then there were advanced
training courses, different certification, Banking school.
Until the middle of, as commonly said, “turbulent 90s”
I had worked as a senior foreman at the huge (even in
Soviet times) and very prestigious enterprise –the Fourth MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS AND AWARDS
State Ball Bearing Plant (4 GPZ) decorated with an order. The best employee of 2016.
However the change of political system and modern The director of the 6th level, about two
period made me change my attitude to the way of living. I hundred people in the structure.
had to look for “a place in the sun” again, to establish and
organize my own business.
I love and I am interested in history. History
What brought you to the Life is Good? of culture, states, countries, peoples, ancient
Being old-timer I perceive any kind of new programs, history. I always attend classical music
network marketing and other foreign things very carefully. concerts, exhibitions, including art exhibitions,
And professional education got in Banking School makes concerts of modern performers, theatres.
me look at the existing market very carefully. I am not a
supporter of the movement “blindly”.
My life was the first who discovered to us Life is Good and persuade me. I myself try to come to the aid. I am interested
“Best Way”, accordingly. Knowing her thoughtful, systematic in everything in the system. I do not like to go with the tide,
and realistic approach to the questions of business, I decided I prefer working according to the plan, without conflicts
to study the strategy and tactics of the offered system more and insistently, reaching more without trying to “protrude”
carefully. Now, according to my personal conclusions and or change the opinion of the people around you. I am a
results, I can tell that the developed system of investment person who believes in Fatality and Providence. And maybe
strategies, professionally created by Roman Viktorovich they were these Forces which helped to find myself in
Vasilenko is a multifunctioned, multidiscipline operating surrounding of our organization which is understandable
system including global approach in all directions of activity and comfortable for me. The fate was by no means always
including a personal approach to a man, employee, leader, favorable to me. I am glad that I did not give up. I am glad
top-manager – regardless of his social status. that I did not lose the wish to live, to act, that for me the
I want to say thank to all participants and leaders for priority of decency, attentive and honest attitude to people is
cooperation, support and “reliable shoulders”. much higher than anything else, including material benefits.
Now I am a participant of this system: I work with
accounts, I underwent additional training in financial What is the secret of your success?
literacy, I have determined tasks and objectives. “Best Way” For me the main thing in a person is sincerity, decency and
program gives me confidence in the future. PROFESSIONALISM. As it is correctly said in the fairy-tale: “Pies
must be baked by a pie-maker, and the shoes must be made
How did you obtain the first success? by a shoemaker. I treat people around me with respect, and I
Flagship platform of “Best Way” is the possibility to consider that we should forgive people their little frailties if they
implement personal, interpersonal and cooperative do not lead to more complicated consequences.
possibilities. Formula for success consists of everything abovementioned.
My business experience and my education proved very It is not madness, at any age and in any situation, to start from
useful, I do this business with special attention and interest point zero, it is madness not to do anything, not to think, not
and I like the results. Everybody got used to market relations; to live. And really Life is Good!
both in business and in life there are two scenarios: you are My wife and I take part in charitable actions, events. For
either appreciated, or used, where the latter is more often. the time being we have made the top 10 of participants of
And here, in our organization I have found for myself an charitable actions.
equilibrium system. It is possible to pursue my opportunities due to the seminars
I want to believe that I am a reliable business partner. which are held, meetings, business journeys, including abroad.
When I am asked for support, it is not necessary to All this just helps to live…