Page 121 - Life is Good Style 2018_английская версия
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The best of the best | LIFE IS GOOD TEAM 123
Briefly about myself before meeting
with the Life is Good.
I was born on June 19, 1959 in Novokuznetsk,
Kemerovo region. And there I finished school.
Marital status: divorced.
Education and training. When I was a schoolboy, my
elder brother Aleksandr Shalaev worked aboard ships of
Far Eastern Shipping Corporation, and my friend and I
being captured by sea romanticism, went to Vladivostok
to enter Far East Higher Engineering Marine School
(FEHEMS) to ship-handling faculty to train to be a captain!
After graduation I was distributed to Kamchatka
Shipping Corporation. I was working aboard ships of
this Corporation Holding different positions at sea and
ashore. I ended up my official employment as General
Director of a small shipping company. I did business on
Kamchatka and in the Primorye Territory.
What brought you to the Life is Good?
After retirement I settled down in Vladivostok. I was
looking for interesting business where I could solve the I often hear such question: “What are the guaranties
problems by myself, and I even did not consider wage for existence of Best Way housing cooperative?” The
work. Behind I had great experience in managerial work, legislation is on guard of our interests – the Housing
and I wished to apply the stored knowledge and skills and Code of the Russian Federation and the Civil Code
to continue improving them. In summer 2015 on someone’s of the Russian Federation. Then if there are really
recommendation Aleksandr reliable and excellent
Gavrilov (Irkutsk) called me, perspectives in housing
and soon after this call he MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS AND AWARDS cooperatives, why isn’t
flew to Vladivostok. It was Having won the award “Best employee of there a queue of those
Aleksandr who “conveyed” 2015”, I flew travelling through the United Arab who want to participate
detailed information on Emirates to Vietnam. In summer 2016 – the in them, a lot of people
the Holding to me and cruise around Baltic! “Best employee of 2016”, are interested?
produced my decision to diplomas for the courses of training in Saint My answer is: the
cooperate. I am glad that Petersburg, Moscow, Sochi, Budapest. On May population of the country
I have made this decision, 29, on the day of birthday of Best Way Housing so often found themselves
and I never regret it. Cooperative I reached the 6th career level. deceived participating
My team has offices on Kamchatka, in in housing cooperatives,
How did you obtain Magadan, Ussuriysk and Vladivostok. Our had first-hand knowledge
the first success? First team is developing rapidly, and I am thankful of defaults taken place
steps? everybody for this. in our country, that it
In any business it is is natural that people
possible to achieve success HOBBIES AND INTERESTS are afraid of something
only if you like it, then the I like driving the car. I had experience driving new. We need time and
word “hobby” suits more! around the country in 2012: Vladivostok- practical actions on the
You must be sure of the Moscow-Vladivostok. 33 thousand 200 km part of our cooperative
company, of yourself and per 3 months – a bunch of impressions, to prove faithfulness of
of the product offered. the information provided.
Decency. Willingness to good experience. A savings box of a traveler There will be a queue
communicate. The main includes visits to more than 25 countries. I love of those who want to
thing is to do this constantly. everything relative the sea. participate, be sure! And
Don’t stop! as for real examples, in
In September 2015, after the attendance of the the nearest 2-3 months in Vladivostok there will be the
seminar on the Baikal and acquaintance with Roman first objects acquired through our housing cooperative.
Vasilenko and his team, I eagerly started working And people who live on Kamchatka have already
and according to indicators I reached silver badge of acquired accommodation in Gelendzhik, Moscow and
Life is Good at once. Everything old is new again, as, in Petropavlovsk itself. Our team can look into the eyes
for example, housing cooperatives which used to be of new occupants without shame, but human wise
actively developed in Russia. Now we are “reviving” we are glad for those who were able to improve their
them in accordance with the modern legislation. housing conditions with our help and achieve their
Publicly, honestly, without “hidden rocks”. While working dreams to live “on the continent”.