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2018-2019 CLHSA

                                     RE VE NUES & E XPENSES

               The financial data below reflects preliminary revenue and expense data for the CLHSA for the fiscal year end-
               ing July 30, 2019.

               An annual fiscal audit is conducted each fall by the independent accounting firm of Barnes Wendling. Their
               final reports over the course of past several years have been consistently positive, indicating their support of the
               financial bookkeeping and overall state of the CLHSA. The results of the reports provided by Barnes Wendling
               are then reviewed and approved by the CLHSA Audit Committee, Finance Committee, and Board of Trustees.

               2018-2019 INC OME AND E XPENSES

               The data provided by Barnes Wendling for the
               2018-2019 fiscal year is as follows:                 $8M
               CLHSA Income:  $8,867,111                            $6M
               CLHSA Expenses: $8,767,115                           $5M
               Net Income: $99,996                                                 $8,867,111   $8,767,115
               The  financial  data  above  is  preliminary.  The   $3M
               Cleveland  Lutheran  High  School  Association       $2M
               conducts a third-party audit each year.  That audit   $1M
               will be completed mid-November. If you would          $0
               like more information or the finalized financial                CLHSA       CLHSA
               information when it becomes available, contact                  Income     Expenses
               Chris  Steinmann,  Superintendent  &  CEO,  at

                                                             TRIUMPH FUND SUSTAINING MEMBER TOUR OF
                                                                                PROGRESSIVE FIELD - JULY 2019
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