Page 5 - 01 Informacion General
P. 5

The fixed benefits are those set force by
                                                      law such as vacations, vacation bonus and
                                                      Christmas bonus; the variable benefits are
               METHODOLOGY                            those    related    to   attendance      such as

                                                      Attendance and Punctuality bonus, Savings
                                                      Funds. The grocery bonus is considered a
    Great organizational decisions are                guaranteed       bonus.     There     are     other
    based in numerical information for                benefits such as Cafeteria, Transportation,
    the market values considered in the               Automobile, Medical Expenses and Life
    Human Capital compensations; this                 Insurance, annual productivity bonus. This
    information no matter how rich, it is             accumulation       of   fringe   and    employee
    necessary        to     understand         its    benefits together with their wage and
    interpretation so it can be useful on a           salary payment is the Total Compensation
    daily basis.                                      and Integral Salary.

                                                      In order to identify the quartiles or
    We have prepared this data collection             percentiles as they are commonly known,
    that has enabled us to design this                it is necessary to take into account the
    consultation program by analyzing                 total amount being analyzed and organize
    factors in the Monthly Payroll Wage               it in ascending order to determine the
    Structure to compare each of the                  results for each trimester:
    positions provided in the monthly                 1Q     identifies     25    representing       that
    Base Salary and Incentives benefits               information. 2Q would be the average
    and in kind that each position earns.             value or 50 of the information and 3Q

                                                      would be 75 (mathematical operation that
                                                      will enable us to identify or determine
                                                      each one of them.) The latter indicates the
                                                      penetration that the candidate might have
                                                      in the position.
                                                      This information is made up of 426
                          426 Positions               positions     in  the    various     departments
                                                      considered as Jr., initiating in the same, or
                                                      that don’t have so much experience or are
                                                      recent graduates, they can be considered
                                                      as 1Q, Sr., is considered an experienced
                           Avg                        employee or candidate in the position
                                                      according to its level for administrative
                           1Q                         positions with more than five years; for

                           2Q                         other support positions, they can be 7 and
                                                      up and Mid Management with more than
                           3Q                         10    years    in   the   position,    and    Staff
                                                      Management with 15 to 20 years of
                                                      experience in the position.

                                                      The analysis was made in 82 plants from
                                                      various      Industrial       parks,      different
                                                      manufacturing        lines   of   business      and
                                                      various plant sizes.
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