Page 19 - August 2017
P. 19

*  FDIC                     NOTICE: Application for Waiver   Federal Register, Vol.   Aug. 25, 2017
                                        of Prohibition on Acceptance of   82, No. 142,
                                        Brokered Deposits.             07/26/2017, 34668-
                FDIC                    NOTICE: Consolidated Reports   Federal Register, Vol.   Aug. 28, 2017
                                        of Condition and Income (Call   82, No. 122,
                                        Report).                       06/27/2017, 29147-

            *  FDIC                     NOTICE: Community              Federal Register, Vol.   Aug. 28, 2017
                                        Reinvestment Act.              82, No. 143,
                                                                       07/27/2017, 34946-

            *  FDIC                     NOTICE: Marketing Consumer     Federal Register, Vol.   Aug. 28, 2017
                                        Opt-Out Notices.               82, No. 143,
                                                                       07/27/2017, 34946-

            *  FDIC                     NOTICE: Retail Foreign         Federal Register, Vol.   Aug. 28, 2017
                                        Exchange Transactions.         82, No. 143,
                                                                       07/27/2017, 34946-

                FDIC                    NOTICE: Recordkeeping,         Federal Register, Vol.   Sep. 05, 2017
                                        Reporting and Disclosure       82, No. 128,
                                        Requirements in Connection with   07/06/2017, 31325-
                                        the Equal Credit Opportunity Act,   31327.
                                        Regulation B.

            *  FDIC                     Real Estate Appraisals.        Federal Register, Vol.   Sep. 29, 2017
                                                                       82, No. 145,
                                                                       07/31/2017, 35478-

                Federal Housing         Federal Home Loan Bank Capital   Federal Register, Vol.   Sep. 01, 2017
                Finance Agency          Requirements.                  82, No. 126,
                (FHFA)                                                 07/03/2017, 30776-

                Federal Reserve Board   NOTICE: Consolidated Reports   Federal Register, Vol.   Aug. 28, 2017
                (FRB)                   of Condition and Income (Call   82, No. 122,
                                        Report).                       06/27/2017, 29147-

                FRB                     NOTICE: Government Securities   Federal Register, Vol.   Sep. 05, 2017
                                        Dealers Reports.               82, No. 128,
                                                                       07/06/2017, 31327-

                FRB                     NOTICE: Weekly Report of       Federal Register, Vol.   Sep. 05, 2017
                                        Selected Assets and Liabilities of   82, No. 128,
                                        Domestically Chartered         07/06/2017, 31327-
                                        Commercial Banks and U.S.      31329.

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