Page 22 - August 2017
P. 22
Final Rules and Effective Dates
Agency Final Rule Federal Register Effective Date
Publication Date and
Page Number
* Consumer Financial Compliance Bulletin 2017-01 Federal Register, Vol. Issued:
Protections Bureau 82, No. 147, Aug. 02, 2017
(CFPB) 08/02/2017, 35936-
* CFPB Supplemental Standards of Ethical Federal Register, Vol. Sep. 01, 2017
Conduct for Employees. 82, No. 147,
08/02/2017, 35883-
* CFPB TILA-RESPA Integrated Federal Register, Vol. Oct. 10, 2017
Disclosures. 82, No. 154,
08/11/2017, 37656- Mandatory
37793. Compliance:
Oct. 01, 2018
CFPB Prepaid Accounts. Federal Register, Vol. Dec. 01, 2017
81, No. 225,
11/22/2016, 83934- Submission of Prepaid
84387. Account Agreements
Oct. 01, 2018
CFPB CORRECTION: Amendments to Federal Register, Vol. Oct. 19, 2017
Regulation X and Regulation Z. 82, No. 127,
07/05/2017, 30947- (Sample Periodic
30949. Statement Forms and
Apr. 19, 2018)
CFPB Amendments to HMDA. Federal Register, Vol. Jan. 01, 2018
80, No. 208,
10/28/2015, 66128- Amendments to
66340. definition to exclude
low volume
institutions from
coverage effective:
Jan. 01, 2017
CORRECTION: Amendments to Federal Register, Vol. Issued:
HMDA. 80, No. 217, Oct. 28, 2015
11/10/2015, 69567.
* CFPB Arbitration Agreements. Federal Register, Vol. Sep. 18, 2017
82, No. 137,
07/19/2017, 33210- (Compliance
33434. mandatory for all