Page 20 - August 2017
P. 20

Branches and Agencies of Foreign

            *  FRB                      NOTICE: Application for        Federal Register, Vol.   Sep. 26, 2017
                                        Employment with the Board of   82, No. 144,
                                        Governors of the Federal Reserve   07/28/2017, 35202-
                                        System.                        35203.

            *  FRB                      Real Estate Appraisals.        Federal Register, Vol.   Sep. 29, 2017
                                                                       82, No. 145,
                                                                       07/31/2017, 35478-

            *  FRB                      Supervisory Expectation for    Federal Register, Vol.   Oct. 10, 2017
                                        Boards of Directors.           82, No. 152,
                                                                       08/09/2017, 37219-

                Financial Crimes        Special Measures Against Bank of   Federal Register, Vol.   Sep. 05, 2017
                Enforcement Network     Dandong.                       82, No. 129,
                (FinCEN)                                               07/07/2017, 31537-

                FinCEN                  NOTICE: BSA Recordkeeping      Federal Register, Vol.   Sep. 05, 2017
                                        Requirements.                  82, No. 129,
                                                                       07/07/2017, 31686-

            *  Housing and Urban        NOTICE: Mortgage Record        Federal Register, Vol.   Sep. 11, 2017
                Development, Dept. of   Change.                        82, No. 132,
                (HUD)                                                  07/12/2017, 32195-

            *  HUD                      NOTICE: Rehabilitation         Federal Register, Vol.   Sep. 11, 2017
                                        Mortgage Insurance Underwriting   82, No. 132,
                                        Program Section 203(K).        07/12/2017, 32196.

            *  Labor, Dept. of          NOTICE: Defining and           Federal Register, Vol.   Sep. 25, 2017
                                        Delimiting Exemptions from the   82, No. 142,
                                        Fair Labor Standards Act.      07/26/2017, 34616-

                National Credit Union   NOTICE: Contractor Budget,     Federal Register, Vol.   Aug. 18, 2017
                Administration          Representation, and Certification.   82, No. 116,
                (NCUA)                                                 06/19/2017, 27878.
                NCUA                    Revisions to Overhead Transfer   Federal Register, Vol.   Aug. 29, 2017
                                        Rate Methodology.              82, No. 125,
                                                                       06/30/2017, 29935-

            *  NCUA                     Closing the Temporary Corporate   Federal Register, Vol.   Sep. 05, 2017
                                        Credit Union Stabilization Fund.   82, No. 143,
                                                                       07/27/2017, 34982-

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