Page 30 - January 2018
P. 30

*  FDIC                     NOTICE: Designated Reserve     Federal Register, Vol.      Issued:
                                        Ratio for 2018.                82, No. 245,             Dec. 22, 2017
                                                                       12/22/2017, 60724.

            *  FDIC                     Final Restrictions on Qualified   Federal Register, Vol.   Jan. 01, 2018
                                        Financial Contracts and Revisions   82, No. 208,         (except for
                                        to the Definition of Qualified   10/30/2017, 50228-      amendatory
                                        Master Netting Agreement.      50268.                instruction #6, which
                                                                                                 is delayed)

                                        CORRECTION: Final              Federal Register, Vol.
                                        Restrictions on Qualified Financial   82, No. 248,
                                        Contracts and Revisions to the   12/28/2017, 61443.
                                        Definition of Qualified Master
                                        Netting Agreement.

            *  FDIC                     Community Reinvestment Act     Federal Register, Vol.   Jan. 01, 2018
                                        Regulations.                   82, No. 247,
                                                                       12/27/2017, 61143-

                Federal Reserve Board   Final Basel III Capital Rule.   Federal Register, Vol.   Jan. 01, 2014
                (FRB)                                                  78, No. 198,
                                                                       10/11/2013, 62018-      Amendments to
                                                                       62291.                Appendixes A, B and
                                                                                             E to 12 CFR 208, 12
                                                                                               CFR 225.1, and
                                                                                             Appendixes D and E
                                                                                             to Part 225 Effective:
                                                                                                Jan. 01, 2019

                                                                                               Amendments to
                                                                                              Appendix A to 12
                                                                                              CFR 225 Effective:
                                                                                                Jan. 01, 2019

                                                                                               Compliance for
                                                                                             Advanced Approaches
                                                                                               Organizations not
                                                                                              Savings and Loan
                                                                                             Holding Companies:
                                                                                                Jan. 01, 2014

                                                                                              Compliance for All
                                                                                             Other Organizations:
                                                                                                Jan. 01, 2014

            *  FRB                      Reporting Requirements         Federal Register, Vol.      Issued:
                                        Associated with Regulation XX   82, No. 239,            Dec. 14, 2017
                                        Concentration Limit (FR XX) and   12/14/2017, 58807-
                                        Financial Company (as defined)   58808.
                                        Report of Consolidated Liabilities
                                        (FR XX–1).

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