Page 27 - January 2018
P. 27
1003 in amendatory
instruction 15 are
effective on Jan. 01,
CFPB Amendments to Equal Credit Federal Register, Vol. Jan. 01, 2018
Opportunity Act Ethnicity and 82, No.189,
Race Information Collection. 10/02/2017, 45680- The amendment to
45697. Appendix B removing
the existing “Uniform
Residential Loan
Application” form in
instruction 6 is
Jan. 01, 2022
* CFPB Regulation C Official Federal Register, Vol. Jan. 01, 2018
Commentary. 82, No. 247,
12/27/2017, 61145-
* CFPB Regulation Z Official Federal Register, Vol. Jan. 01, 2018
Commentary. 82, No. 247,
12/27/2017, 61147-
CFPB Payday, Vehicle Title, and Certain Federal Register, Vol. Jan. 16, 2018
High-Cost Installment Loans Rule. 82, No. 221,
11/17/2017, 54472- Sections 1041.2
54921. through 1041.10,
1041.12, and 1041.13
Compliance Date:
Aug. 19, 2019
Commodity Futures De Minimis Threshold Phase-In Federal Register, Vol. Dec. 31, 2019
Trading Commission Termination Date. 82, No. 209,
(CFTC) 10/31/2017, 50309-
* Defense, Dept. of INTERPRETIVE RULE: Federal Register, Vol. Dec. 14, 2017
(DOD) Military Lending Act Limitations. 82, No. 239,
12/14/2017, 58739-
* Farm Credit Assessment and Apportionment of Federal Register, Vol. Dec. 13, 2017
Administration Administrative Expenses. 82, No. 23, 12/13/2017,
(FCA) 58533.
* Federal Crop Catastrophic Risk Protection Federal Register, Vol. Nov. 24, 2017
Insurance Corporation Endorsement, Area Risk Protection 82, No. 225,
(FCIC) Insurance Regulations, and the 11/24/2017, 55723- Comments due:
Common Crop Insurance 55734. Jan. 23, 2018
Regulations, Basic Provisions.