Page 24 - January 2018
P. 24

Agencies of Foreign Banks; Report  12/27/2017, 61294-
                                        of Assets and Liabilities of a Non-  61300.
                                        U.S. Branch that is Managed or
                                        Controlled by a U.S. Branch or
                                        Agency of a Foreign (Non-U.S.)

            *  FRB                      NOTICE: Consolidated Financial   Federal Register, Vol.   Mar. 05, 2018
                                        Statements for Holding         83, No. 1, 01/02/2018,
                                        Companies, Parent Company Only   123-125.
                                        Financial Statements for Large
                                        Holding Companies, Parent
                                        Company Only Financial
                                        Statements for Small Holding
                                        Companies, Financial Statement
                                        for Employee Stock Ownership
                                        Plan Holding Companies, and the
                                        Supplement to the Consolidated
                                        Financial Statements for Holding

            *  FRB                      Regulation M.                  Federal Register, Vol.   Mar. 05, 2018
                                                                       83, No. 2, 01/03/2018,

            *  Department of Labor      NOTICE: Investment Advice      Federal Register, Vol.   Feb. 05, 2018
                (DOL)                   Participants and Beneficiaries.   83, No. 3, 01/04/2018,

            *  DOL                      Association Health Plans.      Federal Register, Vol.   Mar. 06, 2018
                                                                       83, No. 4, 01/05/2018,

            *  Housing and Urban        NOTICE: Continuation of Interest  Federal Register, Vol.   Jan. 17, 2018
                Development, Dept. of   Reduction Payments After       82, No. 241,
                (HUD)                   Refinancing Section 236 Projects.   12/18/2017, 60027-

            *  HUD                      NOTICE: Housing Counseling     Federal Register, Vol.   Jan. 17, 2018
                                        Program—Biennial Agency        82, No. 241,
                                        Performance Review.            12/18/2017, 60028.

            *  HUD                      NOTICE: Performing Loan        Federal Register, Vol.   Jan. 17, 2018
                                        Servicing for the Home Equity   82, No. 241,
                                        Conversion Mortgage (HECM).    12/18/2017, 60032.

                National Credit Union   NOTICE: Liquidity Contingency   Federal Register, Vol.   Feb. 05, 2018
                Administration          Funding Plans, 12 CFR 741.12.   82, No. 234,
                (NCUA)                                                 12/07/2017, 57786-

            *  NCUA                     NOTICE: Requirements for       Federal Register, Vol.   Feb. 20, 2018
                                        Insurance—Interest Rate Risk   82, No. 242,
                                        Policy.                        12/19/2017, 60219.

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