Page 25 - January 2018
P. 25

*  NCUA                     NOTICE: Golden Parachute and   Federal Register, Vol.   Feb. 20, 2018
                                        Indemnification Payments, 12 CFR  82, No. 242,
                                        part 750.                      12/19/2017, 60219.

            *  Office of the            NOTICE: The Consolidated       Federal Register, Vol.   Feb. 07, 2018
                Comptroller of the      Reports of Condition and Income.   83, No. 5, 01/08/2018,
                Currency                                               939-966.

                Treasury, Dept. of      Terrorism Risk Insurance Program   Federal Register, Vol.   Jan. 29, 2018
                (Treasury)              2018 Data Call.                82, No. 227,
                                                                       11/28/2017, 56328-

                Treasury                NOTICE: Form 5498-QA.          Federal Register, Vol.   Feb. 02, 2018
                                                                       82, No. 231,
                                                                       12/04/2017, 57327-

                Treasury                NOTICE:  Application for       Federal Register, Vol.   Feb. 05, 2018
                                        Recognition of Exemption Under   82, No. 233,
                                        Section 501(a).                12/06/2017, 57652.

            *  Treasury                 NOTICE: Limitations on Net     Federal Register, Vol.   Feb. 12, 2018
                                        Operating Loss Carry-Forwards   82, No. 238,
                                        and Certain Built-In Losses and   12/13/2017, 58693-
                                        Credits Following an Ownership   58694.
                                        Change of a Consolidated Group.

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