Page 20 - January 2018
P. 20
RHS Requests Application for Loan
Guarantees Under the Guaranteed Rural 27/pdf/2017-27962.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. 82,
No. 247, 12/27/2017, 61145.
Rental Housing Program.
The Rural Housing Service (RHS) announced it is DOD Issues Interpretive Rule Regarding
soliciting competitive lender submissions regarding Military Lending Act Limitations.
proposed projects for the Section 538 Guaranteed
Rural Rental Housing Program (GRRHP). The The Department of Defense (DOD) issued an
amount of program dollars available for the GRRHP amendment to its interpretive rule for the Military
will be determined by the Appropriations Act for Lending Act (MLA). The MLA, as implemented by
each fiscal year that the notice is open. Applications DOD, limits the military annual percentage rate
will be accepted until 12/31/2021. The notice may be (MAPR) that a creditor may charge to a maximum of
viewed at: 36 percent, requires certain disclosures, and provides
12-21/pdf/2017-27527.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. other substantive consumer protections on “consumer
82, No. 244, 12/21/2017, 60579-60584. credit” extended to Service members and their
families. On 07/22/2015, DOD amended its
NCUA Requests Comment on regulation primarily for the purpose of extending the
Information Collections. protections of the MLA to a broader range of closed-
end and open-end credit products. On 08/26/2016,
DOD issued the first set of interpretations of that
• The National Credit Union Administration regulation in the form of questions and answers; the
(NCUA) announced it seeks comment on the new interpretive rule amends and adds to those
information collection titled Requirements for questions and answers to provide guidance on certain
Insurance— Interest Rate Risk Policy. NCUA questions DOD has received regarding compliance
also gave notice that it sent the collection to with the July 2015 Final Rule. The interpretive rule is
OMB for review. Comments are due 02/12/2018. effective 12/14/2017. The notice may be viewed at:
The notice may be viewed at: 14/pdf/2017-26974.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. 82,
19/pdf/2017-27254.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. No. 239, 12/14/2017, 58739-58742.
82, No. 242, 12/19/2017, 60219.
VA Announces Specially Adapted
• NCUA announced it seeks comment on the Housing Program Assistance Availability.
information collection titled Golden Parachute
and Indemnification Payments, 12 CFR part 750. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced
NCUA also gave notice that it sent the collection that the aggregate amounts of assistance available
to OMB for review. Comments are due under the Specially Adapted Housing grant program
02/12/2018. The notice may be viewed at: will increase by 4.88 percent for Fiscal Year 2018.
The notice may be viewed at:
19/pdf/2017-27254.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. 18/pdf/2017-27162.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. 82,
82, No. 242, 12/19/2017, 60219. No. 241, 12/18/2017, 60096-60097.
SSA Issues Rate for Assessment on Direct
Payment of Fees.
NCUA Issues Correction to Agency The Social Security Administration (SSA) announced
Reorganization Rule. that the assessment percentage rate under the Social
Security Act, is 6.3 percent for 2018. The notice may
NCUA is correcting a final rule that appeared in the be viewed at:
Federal Register on 12/20/2017. The document 2017-12-29/pdf/2017-28218.pdf. Federal Register,
implemented certain features of NCUA Vol. 82, No. 249, 12/29/2017, 61808-61809.
reorganization that the NCUA Board announced in
2017. The correction amends one reference within
the document. The correction is effective 01/06/2017.
The notice may be viewed at: