Page 21 - January 2018
P. 21

DOL Issues Proposed Rule Regarding                 being covered by the employer group’s or
               Association Health Plans.                          association’s health plan. The goal of the rulemaking
                                                                  is to expand access to affordable health coverage,
               The Department of Labor (DOL) proposed a           especially among small employers and self-employed
               regulation under Title I of the Employee Retirement   individuals, by removing undue restrictions on the
               Income Security Act (ERISA) that would broaden the   establishment and maintenance of association health
               criteria under ERISA section 3(5) for determining   plans under ERISA. The proposed regulation would
               when employers may join together in an employer    affect such association health plans, health coverage
               group or association that is treated as the “employer”   under these health plans, groups and associations of
               sponsor of a single multiple-employer “employee    employers sponsoring such plans, participants and
               welfare benefit plan” and “group health plan” as   beneficiaries with health coverage under these plans,
               those terms are defined in Title I of ERISA. By    health insurance issuers, and purchasers of health
               treating the association itself as the employer sponsor   insurance not purchased through association health
               of a single plan, the regulation would facilitate the   plans. Comments are due 03/06/2018. The proposed
               adoption and administration of such arrangements.   rule may be viewed at:
               The regulation would modify the definition of
               “employer,” in part, by creating a more flexible   05/pdf/2017-28103.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. 83,
               “commonality of interest” test for the employer    No. 4, 01/05/2018, 614-636.
               members than DOL had adopted in sub-regulatory
               interpretive rulings under ERISA section 3(5). At the   DOL Requests Comment on Information
               same time, the regulation would continue to        Collection.
               distinguish employment-based plans, the focal point
               of Title I of ERISA, from mere commercial insurance   DOL announced it seeks comment on the information
               programs and administrative service arrangements   collection titled Investment Advice Participants and
               marketed to employers. For purposes of Title I of   Beneficiaries. DOL also gave notice that it sent the
               ERISA, the proposal would also permit working      collection to OMB for review. Comments are due
               owners of an incorporated or unincorporated trade or   02/05/2018. The notice may be viewed at:
               business, including partners in a partnership, to elect
               to act as employers for purposes of participating in an   04/pdf/2017-28444.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. 83,
               employer group or association sponsoring a health   No. 3, 01/04/2018, 540-541.
               plan and also to be treated as employees with respect
               to a trade, business or partnership for purposes of

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