Page 56 - 2018气侯影视大会2018-09-12
P. 56

54       家在青山绿水间——信任如树

             The Pleasant Home—Tree of
             Trust                                             Length: 01:00:00

     入围影片                                                      Directors:  Qin  Tong、KOL  PHANNA、Zhou
             时长:01:00:00                                       Yiqi、KE  SOCHEAT、Song  Mingtao、Liu
             导演:覃彤、KOL PHANNA( 柬 )、 周溢祺 、KE                    Wanying、Su Yu、YENG SEIHA
             SOCHEAT( 柬 ) 、宋明韬、刘菀莹、苏宇、YENG                     Producer: Guangxi Television
             SEIHA( 柬 )

                  简介:                                          Synopsis:
                                                                Listed in the 2017“Doc China” communication
                  该片是中宣部 2017 年“纪录中国”传播
                                                               programs of  the Publicity Department of
                                                               the Publicity Department of the CPC Central
             同制作,被柬埔寨国家电视台定为庆祝柬中建交                             Committee, the documentary “The Pleasant

             60 周年的献礼片,于 7 月 19 日两国建交纪念                        Home—Tree of Trust” is coproduced by China
                                                               Guangxi Television and National Television of
                                                               Cambodia to celebrate the 60th anniversary of
                  《家在青山绿水间 - 信任如树》以“绿水                         the establishment of diplomatic ties between

             青山就是金山银山”的生态文明理念为创作核心,                            Cambodia and China.
                                                               Guided by the conviction that lucid waters and
                                                               lush mountains are invaluable assets, “The
             致力以经济发展推动扶贫减贫的同时,携手保护                             Pleasant Home—Tree of Trust” documents

             世界文化遗产、深化环保合作,践行绿色发展理                             the stories of how China and Cambodia are

             念,携手打造“中柬命运共同体”的真实故事。                             committed to promoting poverty alleviation
                                                               through economic development, work together
                                                               to protect the world cultural heritages, deepen
                                                               environmental protection cooperation, practice
                                                               the concept of green development, and build
                                                               a community with a shared future under the
                                                               framework of the Belt and Road Initiative.
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