Page 8 - DKG NEWS SeptOct 2018
P. 8
Dear Annie …
Have you ever heard the expression, “What would Annie Webb Blanton do?”
I know my name gets thrown around. I have never been one to sit back and do
nothing. So from time to time I will answer that very question. AWB
Dear Annie, but could not hold office – sort of
I know that we recently approved like Reserve members now. The
Collegiate Membership, but we were inspiration behind this change was
wondering if International has some DKG’s founding aim “to honor
ideas on how to proceed? women who have given or who
Is it the goal to have chapters at evidence potential for distinctive
the university/college level or invite service in any field of education”
the university/college students to join (Purpose 2). I am excited to see the
established chapters? Society promoting the personal
—Curious Mentors and professional growth of women
educators and excellence in education
Dear Curious Mentors, at yet another level. This is an
The intent of this new excellent opportunity to introduce
membership category was to induct pre-career educators to Delta Kappa
collegiate members into existing Gamma and offers meaningful access
chapters because the other approved to mentoring and support while
amendments included a statement they are acquiring their degrees and
that collegiate members could credentials.
participate in chapter activities — AWB
Canada News
A the many who came to our “Canada Anne Thompson (BC), who served
Accolades and gratitude to the host
Texas State Organization for an
on many international committees,
outstanding international convention
Quebec founder Marianne Davis,
It was an honour to participate
in Austin, where Canada’s contingent in the Global Awareness Forum, an
who celebrated her 100th birthday
honoured by DKG Quebec, Kingston
of 48 members proudly congratulated inaugural event we hope will become
Ontario’s Aggie Moynihan on her a tradition with the four forum chairs Ontario’s Flora MacDonald-Waller,
appointment to the Holden Fund collaborating to present a topic of an honourary Kingston Ontario
Committee, and celebrated three global importance. This year’s topic, member who had served as MP in
particular installations, 2nd Vice- “Teaching Tolerance and Promoting Canada’s Federal Parliament, and
President Dr. Lace Marie Brogden, Peace,” was well attended and Doreen Cohen, who contributed
a Saskatchewan member now living enlightening. generously to the Alberta Scholarship
in Ontario, our incoming Area This biennium, Canada diligently Fund.
Representative Canada, Alberta’s recruited new members in all We are proud of and congratulate
Betty Rose; Ontario’s Debbie provinces: Alberta 15, Manitoba two dynamic Quebec members, Sylvie
Rodaway, Nominations Committee 15, Quebec 13, BC 7+2 reinstated, Bastien-Doss, and Dianea Phillips,
member. New Brunswick 6, Saskatchewan 5, who thoroughly enjoyed their
At our Canadian Forum, Ontario 5, totalling 68. Sadly, at the experiences as International Speakers,
members selected a “Canadian” 2018- Celebration of Life, we remembered and remain on the ISF list for another
2020 Canada project, ARTSCAN 19 members, mentors to many year.
CIRCLE, to replace the Nepal leaving huge footprints on our
Project of the past four years. We hearts, among them Alice Cheatley This column is submitted on a rotating basis by the Europe regional
enjoyed fellowship, appreciating (MB), an International 2nd VP, director, the area representatives for Canada and Latin America, and Japan.