Page 5 - DKG NEWS SeptOct 2018
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DKG NEWS                                          SEP/OCT 2018    5
       FUNdraising with DKGEF

       Members and friends attending the   Music Young Rising Star award.
       DKG Educational Foundation event    Macy and other Lake Travis High
       on Wednesday night during the 2018  School students ended the evening
       DKG International Convention in     of entertainment with line-dancing
      Med funds for the DKGEF              instruction.
       Austin rais
       and had fun celebrating Texas style.    The DKG Educational
          Throughout the two and a half    Foundation-sponsored event netted
       hour event 496 participants enjoyed a  over $20,000 that will go directly
       western buffet and a variety of music.  toward funding awards given annually
       The Mariachi Amor band welcomed     by the Foundation.
       the guests as they entered the          Member donations and bequests
       ballroom.  A folklorico dance group   make the Foundation awards
       from Ballet East Dance Company      possible. Full information covering   Ballet East Dance Company’s folklorico
       followed and received a standing    DKGEF funding and awards can be     dancers performed in authentic dress.
       ovation from the crowd for its      found in the forthcoming 2016-2018
       energetic and beautiful performance.   Biennial Report to be posted online
       The event continued with an amazing  at in September, or
       performance from Macy Dot, a        directly through the link found on the
       local high school student, who is a   Society’s home page at
       nominee for the 2018 Texas Country

       Members took to the dance floor for line-dancing lessons.
                                                                               Macy Dot, local high school student,
                                                                               dazzled the crowd with her performance.

       A highlight video of the DKGEF event in Austin, TX made by Dorothy Sample  Mariachi Amor set the tone for the event.
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