Page 2 - DKG NEWS SeptOct 2018
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2     SEP/OCT 2018                                      DKG NEWS
       ...To be Continued...

                                                                                             ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD
       By Cathy P. Daugherty                               us farther and faster along the   INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT
      I                                                    Indeed, innovations and        Virginia
                                                           path to destinations sought.
                                                                                          Cathy P. Daugherty, RP
       I am on the brink of the continued
                                                           possibilities must be added as
       journey. We, as a convention,
                                                                                          FIRST VICE PRESIDENT
                                                                                          Becky Sadowski
       have heeded the minds, voices, and
                                                           the journey progresses, but not
       actions that will keep us forward
                                                           at the expense of eliminating
       moving ever…It’s not my story…
                                                                                          Dr. Lace Marie Brogden
       It’s our story. YOU and WE                          viable programs, projects,     SECOND VICE PRESIDENT
                                                           and purposes developed
       are “Leading women educators,                       and nurtured in the past. To   EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
       impacting education worldwide.”                     grow we must concentrate on    Nita R. Scott, CAE
          Those words were never uttered at the   turning into actions the ideas generated in   Texas
       2018 international convention, but they   possibilities discussed in previous biennia.   REGIONAL DIRECTORS
       were supposed to be your new international  That is your president’s vision for 2018-    EUROPE
                                                                                            Ingibjörg Jónasdóttir
       president’s lines as part of a report jointly   2020. We are DKG members, “Leading     Iceland
       given by Dr. Lyn Babb Schmid, 2014-2016  women educators impacting education         NORTHEAST
       IP, and Carolyn H. Pittman, 2016-2018    worldwide.”                                 Jane D. Tanner
       IP. Ultimately, convention business pre-    As educators we know that meaningful     New York
       empted this agenda item. Perhaps it was   repetition creates progress in the classroom.      NORTHWEST
       best that your 2018-2020 international   It may have the same impact on Society      Dr. Donna Niday
       president’s DKG acting debut be relegated   members. During the lengthy convention     Iowa
       to these above written words and not a   discussion on changing the name of our      SOUTHEAST
       halting recital opposite two accomplished   organization, a member spoke out against     Elaine Warwick
       performers! By sharing it now you can    the proposed amendment. She cited that
       visualize the words in the context they truly  we were seeking only to affix a bandage to     SOUTHWEST
                                                                                            Marilyn Gregory
       represent and the evolutionary continuum   the real issue. She argued that it wasn’t our     Texas
       they represent going forward into this   name, but our lack of ability in explaining   IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT
       biennium.                                who we are to others that lay at the root of   Carolyn H. Pittman
          Sometimes in our zeal to celebrate a   the issue. Continued, purposeful use of our   Arkansas
       new biennium, we emphasize elements such  Vision Statement with others will alleviate   MEMBERS-AT-LARGE
       as a theme and visual motif to the exclusion  the hesitation we sometimes experience     2016-2020
                                                                                            June M. Bowers
       of the real substance that allows a new   when sharing the DKG story. So, for the     Nebraska
       biennium to build on previous biennia. We  first time in my Society experience the     2018-2022
       lose momentum generated at a convention   2018-2020 international theme remains the     Connie Rensink
       and forget accomplishments of previous   same as the previous biennium – DKG’s       Texas
       two-year spans in our desire to start with   Vision Statement. Radical? Not at all, but   AREA REPRESENTATIVES
       a clean slate as we would a new school   different from tradition and expectation.     CANADA
                                                                                            Betty Rose
       year. The concerted effort and agreement   Could we eliminate our identity issues     Alberta
       between the last two presidents and your   at all levels by embracing this mantra as     LATIN AMERICA
       new president determined that now was    our definitive theme throughout all levels     Aurora Vignau de Zambrano
       the time to establish a more vibrant and   of the Society? Could this theme used     Nuevo León
       clear continuum, an obvious linking of each,  by every member, every day become the   PARLIAMENTARIAN
       one to the other, to push DKG forward.   phrase that best markets who we are and   Dr. Helen Popovich, PRP
       That was the purpose of the presidents’   what we are about?  Could a philosophy
       performance that never aired at the      of continued effort built on past endeavors   Find administrative board members’ email
       convention. Moving from one set of elected  lead DKG members to capitalize on our   addresses at
       international officers, board members, and   present momentum to evolve farther and
       appointed committee members should       faster.  You know the answers. We are the
       not result in a “throwing the baby out with   answer. YOU and WE are DKG members,      DKG NEWS EDITOR
       the bathwater” mentality. We knew from   “Leading women educators impacting            Patricia Woodley, Texas
       experience that building on the past moves   education worldwide.” And so, it continues.
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