Page 4 - DKG NEWS SeptOct 2018
P. 4

4     SEP/OCT 2018                                      DKG NEWS
       Benjamin Zander                                       Nadia Lopez

       Conductor/Musical Director                            Principal/Educational Leader/Author
          Benjamin Zander, co-author with Rosamunde              You may have seen Brooklyn native Nadia Lopez in
       Zander of The Art of Possibility, spoke to the 2018   an NPR interview, photographed in the White House
       International Convention on Wednesday. Zander is      with her student and President Barack Obama, or on
       Ctor for the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra and  Pinment Television when she was honored with the
       conduc                                                Enterta
       the Boston Philharmonic Youth Orchestra. He is also a   Black Girls Rock Change Agent Award, or as a member
       guest conductor around the world. His musical recordings  of The Education Revolution panel. You may have read
       have been nominated for three Grammys. He is known    her book The Bridge to Brilliance: How one Principal in a
       worldwide as both a music teacher of thousands and as a   Tough Community Is Inspiring the World.
       celebrated speaker on leadership. Zander combined the     Lopez was the keynote speaker at the 2018
       possibilities found in leadership, optimism, and the arts as  International Convention on Thursday. She is founder
       he spoke to the members.                              and principal of Mott Hall Bridges Academy in
          One of the most sought after speakers in the       Brownsville, Brooklyn, a school she founded in 2010 to
       world, Zander offered insight into ourselves and our   address the downward trend in a neighborhood that had
       organization while inspiring the audience. He brought   given up on its students.
       a global perspective to music which he described as        Lopez inspired and motivated her audience as she
       the international language. The Art of Possibility has   described how she changed the lives of her students,
       been translated into fifteen languages. It, along with R.   all of whom live below the poverty level, by helping
       Zander’s sequel titled Pathways to Possibility: Transforming  them connect to the world outside their neighborhood.
       Our Relationship with Ourselves, Each Other, and the World  Mott Hall Bridges Academy broke the school-to-prison
       were available for sale and autographs in the Marketplace  pipeline with a stunning 98% graduation rate among its
       following his speech.                                 first three graduating classes.
           His engagement was partially funded by the Eunah      Lopez’s book was available in the Marketplace for
       Temple Holden Leadership Fund.                        purchase, and autographs were available after her speech.

       A Texas member received birthday wishes from Benjamin   Nadia Lopez addressed DKG members during the International
       Zander as part of his keynote address.                Convention in Austin, Texas.
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