Page 1 - DKG NEWS SeptOct 2018
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Achievement Award Winner
Dr. Gwen Simmons is 2019 SE International
From the new International the recipient of the 2018 Conference.
President p. 2 International Achievement Simmons is known
“Meet the Block” winners Award. She received the for “stirring the pot,” often
p. 3 Dion for her service taking the least popular
New leaders elected at to the Society during the view to press others to
Convention p. 3 Impacting Education examine their own stance,
creating conversation,
Worldwide Luncheon at
Convention Speakers p. 4 the 2018 International reflection and broadening
DKGEF Fundraiser in Austin Convention. Carolyn understanding. She is never
p. 5 Pittman, 2016-2018 Gwen Simmons, winner too busy to acknowledge
of the 2018 International
Words from LMS p. 6 International President, Achievement Award. the leadership potential of
presented the award. others and to encourage
Convention Highlights p. 7 Simmons has been international them to try new roles. Her leadership
Membership p. 7 parliamentarian for two biennia. She is a has built a DKG network of support,
North Carolina past state organization participation, and sustainability.
Canada News p. 8
president and editor and has been Pittman said, “She is a leader from
recognized as a Woman of Distinction. whatever chair she occupies, and when
At the international level she has she tells you something, you can believe it.
presented numerous workshops, keynote She has stood before us and behind us and
addresses, and inspirational moments, always with us. She has held our hands
and is an author for Society publications. and pushed us. She walks with us and lifts
Delta Kappa Gamma She has been a member and/or chair us and is devoted to the individual and to
promotes professional of the Membership Committee, the the whole.”
and personal growth of Constitution Committee, Constitution The Society annually gives the
women educators and Revision Committee, the Constitution gold medallion and chain known as the
excellence in education. Interpretation Committee, Focus 2000, International Achievement Award to a
the International Executive Board, and the leader who has merited recognition for
Administrative Board. her distinguished record of service to the
Simmons, described as a risk taker, Society at the international level. The
motivator, communicator, and visionary, medallion is worn only by members who
conceived and organized the state have been voted that honor and privilege
organization editors and webmasters by the International Executive Board.
camp. She is preparing a similar seminar Congratulations to the 2018
regarding effective meetings and International Achievement Award
parliamentary procedure to precede the recipient, Dr. Gwen Simmons.