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USED EQUIPMENT                                                                                   WELCOME

        Terex Finlay 883+ Spaleck                              Tesab 1412 Impact Crusher

                                              Manufactured 2015                                      Manufactured 2014                                           Once again, we find great encouragement from significant positive signs
                                              Cat C4.4 engine                                        Complete with 4 hammer
                                              Top Deck – 70mm                                        rotor & belt feeder                                         within the UK economy and - whilst it will be a difficult period negotiating
                                              ‘O’ punched rubber                                     8000 CAT engine hours                                       and implementing Brexit alongside any resultant border implications
                                              Bottom Deck – 15 x 50mm                                POA
                                              Flip-Flow media                                                                                                    and trade deals - the UK outlook does seem positive and despite many
                                              Hydraulic Cleaning Brush                                                                                           conflicting indications the Finlay group maintains a confident outlook
                                              150hrs                                                                                                             when assessing the short to medium term.
                                              Excellent condition –
                                              Demo unit                                                                                                          In this issue of The Conveyor we are pleased to announce our appointment
        Ref: GJ-35                            POA               Ref: NB42
                                                                                                                                                                 as a licensed hire specialist for England and Wales for the new Kiverco
        Giposcreen S2160                                       Tesab 1012TS Tracked Impact Crusher                                                               Compact Range of products. With a world leading range of trommels,
                                                                                                                                                                 feeders and screens this partnership strengthens our product portfolio
                                              Complete with 18 x 5                                   Large mobile tracked                                        even further You can read more about this fantastic addition to our range
                                              screenbox & radial                                     impact crusher complete
                                              fines conveyor                                         with vibrating feeder,                                      on pages 4-5.
                                                                                                     independent pre-screen,
                                              Manufactured new 2008                                  4 hammer impactor and
                                              CAT 6.6 Engine                                         grinding path                                               It’s been a busy year already for shows and events and we were pleased
                                              1500 engine hours                                      Manufactured new 2013                                       to welcome many of our customers to the JCB Waste Days in May and
                                              Immaculate condition                                   CAT C13 engine                                              the Terex Finlay Open Day event in Edinburgh in June. If you managed to
                                              POA                                                    Excellent condition                                         attend one of these events then I would personally like to thank you for your
                                                                                                     machine, low hours
                                                                                                     on the clock                                                support and taking the time out of your schedule to attend. We get a lot of
        Ref: NP45                                               Ref: NB29                            POA
                                                                                                                                                                 useful feedback at these events and if you do have any further comments
                                                                                                                                                                 then the team here would love to hear them. Please enjoy this third issue
        Terex Finlay J-1170 Jaw Crusher                        Terex Finlay 683 Supertrak                                                                        of our magazine and, as ever, if you are a customer and would like to be
                                              1100mm x 700mm Chamber                                 Manufactured new 2015                                       featured then, as ever, please get in touch. Wishing you all a wonderful,
                                              Scania DC9 engine                                      Tracked 12 x 5 three way                                    sunny summer whatever you are doing.
                                              Hours - 3,500 approx                                   split mobile screen
                                                                                                     Complete with reject grid,
                                              Year - 2015                                            Perkins engine and radio                                    Dave Statham
                                              Vibrating Feeder with                                  remote control                                              Managing Director
                                              Integral Pre-Screen
                                                                                                     Excellent, new machine                                      Finlay Group
                                              Overband Magnet                                        with minimal hours
                                              Discharge Conveyor                                     POA
                                               Side Belt
        Ref: NB34                             POA               Ref: NB24 / NB41

        Hartl PC1380 Jaw Crusher                               Terex Finlay 883+ Reclaimer

                                              1300mm x 800mm                                         Heavy duty, high
                                              Chamber                                                performance, three way
                                              Cat C10 engine                                         split scalping screen
                                              Overband magnet                                        Complete with steel apron
                                                                                                     feeder and 16’ x 5’ top &
                                              Year – 2006                                            bottom deck screenbox
                                              Hours – TBC                                            Fitted with top deck
                                              POA                                                    fingers, bottom deck
                                                                                                     mesh and dog
                                                                                                     lead remote control
                                                                                                     Manufactured new 2015
        Ref: NP16                                               Ref: NB38 / NB40                     POA

      01785 282323

       Finlay Group Lakeside House, Ladford Covert Industrial Park, Seighford, Staffordshire ST18 9QL
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