Page 7 - 0917 - Finlay Group Conveyor Magazine Issue 3
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Set up in 2004 as a separate business
 within the Finlay Group, APS is our
 specialist sales and contracting
 company that focuses on turnkey
 processing/washing plant installations
 for customers. A true one-stop-shop,
 APS provides a whole solution that
 includes design, supply, installation,   M Series Mobile Washing Plant    AggMax
 service and maintenance as well   The M-Series is the world's first modular, mobile   A modular scrubbing and classification system that
 as the option to purchase, hire to   washing plant to integrate feeding, screening, sand   will maximise product yield from clay bound feedstock
 purchase or a cost per tonne contract.  washing and stockpiling on a compact chassis. With an   in the sand & aggregates, mining and C&D waste
        unrivalled level of features and options the M Series can   recycling sectors. The system has many design features
 Whilst APS itself has been in
 existence for 13 years, we have   feed, screen, wash and stockpile up to 5 products which   and innovations to ensure it performs in the toughest
 actually been supplying processing/  can be customised to perfect option for customers.   conditions helping to transform clay bound material into
 washing systems as Finlay Group for   The M-Series incorporates patented Infinity screening   high value materials. With five models in the range from
 over 30 years and our knowledgeable   technology for long life and durability and also uses the   the AggMax 81 with a capacity of 80t/hr to the AggMax
 team has extensive experience   unique VibroSync drive system on the integrated D-line   713 capable of producing 250t/hr, there is an option to
 working with customers large and   dewatering system to provide unrivalled performance   suit every site size. Each model is designed for ease of
 small, including major UK and   and efficient use of power.  maintenance, servicing and safe operation.
 overseas aggregate suppliers
 such as Lafarge, Tarmac, Cemex,
 Hanson, Aggregate Industries to
 name a few. We also work with
 some key independent contractors
 and quarrying companies including
 Mick George, David Einig, Smiths of
 Blechington and Brett Aggregates too.
 Over this period of time we have
 provided in excess of 250 bespoke   and silt recovery. And we will always   Finlay, Tesab, Allu and Trackstack
 plants throughout the UK and some   go the extra mile to install your   from our parent company, the
 abroad with a total value of approx.   washing plant on time, on budget   Finlay Group, we can design,
 £160m. We have processed in the   and to the latest regulations.   supply and install everything you
 order of 50 million tonnes of material   Our thorough customer process   need from scratch.
 with a value approaching £1 billon   ensures that we are by your side   So, whether your project is in Lands   Aquacycle    Evowash
 and have probably helped to provide   every step of the way in establishing   End or John O’Groats (or even the
 a significant amount of the UK’s   or renewing a washing plant. From   Outer Hebrides), be assured that   As a primary stage water treatment for sand and   With 4 models in the range, from the 101 with a capacity
 aggregate requirement over the years.  aggregates, mining and C&D waste recycling, the   of 100t/hr to the 251 producing up to 250t/hr, the
 site investigation, to collecting test   our level of service and expertise   Aquacycle offers up to 90% water recycling with   renowned Evowash is a popular material washing and
 From large projects to small, what   samples, checking permissions   is consistent whether the project is   the smallest equipment footprint. This minimises   classification plant that uses patented Infinity dewatering
 really sets up apart is our experience   and licenses we provide all the   large or small, local or remote.  environmental impact, reduces the space required   screen technology. This gives increased power to weight
 and knowledge of the sector. We not   intelligence needed to specify just   to accommodate settling points and maximises the   ratio for sand production that is ready for market straight
 only deliver projects according to the   the right solution for your site. As   John Dunne   efficiency of wet processing plant reinforced rubber   off the belt and produced with lower running
 very latest planning and environmental   licensed partners to CDE Global, we   Managing Director   pipework. Each unit is manufactured specifically to   costs thanks to reduced
 restrictions and constraints, but we   only supply the very best equipment   Aggregate Processing Solutions  customer requirements after analysing the proposed   power consumption.
 make it our job to understand the   and with access to a wide range of   feed material.
 latest innovations in water clarification   complementary products from Terex

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