Page 5 - 0917 - Finlay Group Conveyor Magazine Issue 3
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WHAT’S NEW  Compact Density Separator

        The compact density separator
        uses the latest in air separation
        technology. With fast and simple

        separates material into useable
 THE KIVERCO COMPACT WASTE  on-site set-up, it efficiently
        fractions to produce clean products.
        The self-contained density
 PROCESSING RANGE  separator reduces the amount of
        material that needs to be sent to
        landfill; delivering considerable
        savings in areas where landfill
        taxes and transport costs are high.
 We’re delighted to announce the
 purchase of a number of new units   Compact Feeder Trommel
 from the Kiverco range which will   The compact feeder trommel carries
 be available through Finlay Hire   out the initial screening of different
 in England and Wales. Designed   sized materials. A key feature of the
 for the small to medium size waste   machine is that it is fully enclosed
 processing operator or mobile   with drum outlet covers, which
 contractor the new range includes   minimizes noise and dust. The
 a feeder trommel, a picking station   feeder trommel has been designed
 and density separator. Offering   to be adaptive, with two- or three-
 an alternative to traditional ways   way split configuration, and is
 of processing waste, modular   suitable for use across a wide
 components can be selected   range of applications.
 - along with a range of options
 and configurations - to provide a   Please scan the
 bespoke solution for your site and   QR code for                             MOBILITY WITHOUT COMPROMISE
 more information
 the best bit is that it can be up and                   KIVERCO is widely recognised as a provider to the waste   OUTPUT PERFORMANCE: UP TO 150 m 3 /h per hour  OPTIONS
                                                         processing and recycling industry. We supply the toughest
                                                                              RELOCATION IS MADE EASY WITH KIVERCO’S
                                                         and most durable plant available in the market. We have been
                                                                                    Safe and rapid set up and transport capability
                                                                         FEATURES  COMPACT PLANT RANGE    ƒ Dual Power/Mains Changeover
                                                         manufacturing static recycling plants to handle many different
                                                         waste streams for 25 years.  on or off-site. Quick set-up time, with basic
 working in hours.                                       When it comes to robustness, we’re untouchable. And     ƒ Hydraulic Jack Leg Support System  tools.    ƒ Site Mobile Axle
                                                                                                 ƒ Impact Section
                                                         maximum uptime means maximum output, and faster financial
                                                                           ƒ Pre-wired ‘Plug and Play’ Design  No separate on site wiring required.    ƒ Stainless Steel Splitter Drum
                                                         returns too because of our do-it-once, do-it-right approach.
                                                         Toughness-in means dependability-out.     ƒ Magnetic Head Drum on Conveyors
 Offering all the benefits of a high                     KIVERCO. Built With Backbone.  Offers complete independence - no external   APPLICATIONS
                                                                                    power source needed.
                                                                           ƒ Diesel Electric Drive
                                                                                    Eliminates the risk of hydraulic oil spills during     ƒ Construction and Demolition Waste
 performance static site, the plant       KIVERCO COMPACT                           operation.    ƒ Composting
                                                                                    Allows for easy cleaning during maintenance.
                                                                           ƒ Wide Core Radiator    ƒ Dry Mixed Recycling
 can be combined to form a complete       Kiverco has developed the Compact Range to provide an alternative to traditional ways of processing waste.     ƒ Monitoring of Material Flow  Viewing windows to monitor the separation     ƒ Commercial and Industrial Waste
                                                                                                 ƒ Municipal Solid Waste
                                                                                               OPERATING DIMENSIONS
                                          Designed for the small to medium waste processing operator or mobile contractor, certain modular components
 recycling system producing up to         can be selected and set up within hours - giving all the benefits of a high performance static plant.  With the added advantage of mobility, this should also be of interest to mobile contractors or anyone working at a
                                                                                    Closed loop system to maximise separation
                                                                                                 ƒ Operating Length: 9,200mm
                                                                                     performance and recovery and also minimise
                                                                           ƒ Twin Recirculating Air Blowers
                                                                                     dust.       ƒ Operating Width: 7,000mm
                                          Designed and built by the same team that has successfully produced over 200 static plants since Kiverco began, the
                                                                             No cranes are required during set-up.
 150m³ per hour. It is all the more      handling needs.                    ƒ Fully adjustable FOR SITES WHERE:   Enables user to vary airflow to handle differing     ƒ Operating Height: 4,500mm
                                                                             site on a temporary licence. This plant can be ready to work within a few hours of the equipment arriving on site.
                                          initial range includes a Feeder Trommel, Picking Station and Density Separator. All components come with various
                                                                                     types of input waste stream.
                                          options and configurations, offering the customer maximum flexibility to obtain a bespoke solution for their waste
                                                                                                  ƒ Weight: 11,000kg
                                        DENSITY SEPARATOR
                                                                              Space may be at a premium
 impressive because of the added      The Compact DS 150 Density Separator combines fast and simple on-site set up capability with the already proven   •  •   There is limited infrastructure   •  •  •   Dry Mixed Recyclables
                                                                                              Construction & Demolition Waste
                                         All models in the Kiverco Compact Range can be combined to form a complete recycling system. The plant has the
                                         capability of processing up to 150m 3  per hour.
                                                                                              Commercial & Industrial Waste
                                                                              There is no direct power supply.
 advantage of mobility. For mobile    design and build quality to give operators the benefit of long lifespan and rugged reliability, in a wide range of   •  •  •   Composting
                                                                                              Municipal Solid Waste
                                                                                              Landfill Remediation Sites
                                      air separation technology. The self-contained DS 150 greatly reduces the amount of material that
 construction or sites operating on   The DS 150 has been designed to efficiently separate material into usable fractions, using the latest in   IDEALLY SUITED FOR:
                                      needs to be sent to landfill, delivering considerable savings in areas where landfill taxes and
                                      transport costs are high.
 temporary licenses it is simple to   SORTING WASTE DIFFERENTLY                              •  •   Small & Medium Waste Processing Operators
                                                                                              Mobile Contractors
 relocate the compact plant range.                                                           •   Rental Market
 Easy to transport it particularly ideal                                                     •
                                                                                              Companies Operating on a Site With a Short-Term
                                                                                              Lease or Temporary Licence
 for sites where space may be at a                                                          •   Operators Handling Waste Manually Who Would
                                                                                              Like to Move to a More Efficient Process
                                        All specifications and details may be subject to change
 premium or where there is limited                                        •   Operators Who Require Versatility & High Recycling
                                                                                             Performance, in a Compact and Flexible Layout
 infrastructure and no direct power   Compact Picking Station    All specifications and details may be subject to change
 supply. The machines are diesel-  The compact picking station combines air and magnetic separation with
 electric powered with the option of   manual sorting in one complete unit. This allows the recovery of many   With the support of our five Finlay Plant operations in the North, Central, Southern, South East and
 mains electric power, which also   materials, including hardcore, wood, metal and solid waste for refuse-  South West we are well placed to sell and support this excellent new range of Kiverco products.
        If you would like a copy of the brochure or would like to talk further to one of our sales team please
 derived fuel. Ranging from two to six bays, the picking stations can
 eliminates the risk of hydraulic oil
 WHAT’S NEW  spills during operation.  accommodate a wide range of skip sizes beneath the picking cabin.  email or visit  05
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