Page 22 - 0917 - Finlay Group Conveyor Magazine Issue 3
P. 22



              Finlay Plant now offers, as well as standard plug-in
              hydraulic and electric conveyors, a complete range
              of mobile bulk material handling systems.
              Manufactured in Northern Ireland under the Trackstack brand, incorporating both wheeled and tracked options,
              these high capacity material conveying units can completely eliminate the costly need for material rehandling.
              Available with low level lorry tipping hopper options and vessel loading capabilities, the Trackstack range fulfils
              most bulk handling solutions for the mining, shipping and quarrying sectors.

                                                To complement our portfolio of crushers and screeners we have a range of                                         Allu manufactures a range of innovative materials processing attachments
                                                hire units from Tesab available for customers that require a more compact                                        which are designed for efficient operation in demanding environments and
                                                solution or lower output.                                                                                        on demanding materials. Finlay Hire Ltd has been the sole dealer in England
                                                                                                                                                                 and Wales for Allu’s innovative range of buckets, crushers and screening
                                                623CT                                                                                                            since 2003. The products are used for remediation, recycling, pipeline
                                                The Tesab 623CT is a compact, mobile, secondary crusher designed to                                              padding and reinstatement, fine screening and crushing.
                                                produce high quality cubical shaped product at low cost per tonne. Due to
                                                the unique design of the 623 crusher unit, an exceptionally good cubical
                                                shape and high reduction rate can be easily achieved and the reliability
                                                and consistency of this machine makes it unrivalled in its field. The 623CT
                                                features a heavy duty impact crusher unit with 1100mm (42") diameter rotor
                                                with extra crushing and shaping path. Suited for both secondary and tertiary
                                                applications the 623CT can work standalone or integrate easily into existing
                                                crushing and screening operations.

                                                The Tesab 1012TS is a tracked impact crusher designed to accept a large
                                                feed size whilst at the same time producing consistent, high quality end
                                                product at a low cost per tonne. It boasts a 2 deck independent pre-screen     Allu DL Series                    Allu D-Series                     Allu M-Series
                                                fitted as standard which results in lower cost operation because a sized       For Telehandlers, Skidsteers, light   The core Allu bucket is available   Heavy Duty Mining buckets for
                                                product can be produced on the side belt while at the same time reducing       loaders and excavators from 4-12   in basic, strong and heavy ranges   50 tonne plus excavators and
                                                wear. The 1012TS features a heavy duty crusher unit has a 1200mm (47")         tonnes the cost effective DL-Series   and suitable excavators from 12-45   30 tonne plus loaders. High
                                                diameter rotor along with an extra crushing and shaping path. Suited for both   range of buckets is perfect for   tonnes, telehandlers and wheel   capacity screening, crushing and
                                                primary and secondary applications the 1012TS can work standalone or           customers who want the ability to   loaders from 10-12 tonnes.      homogenisation is available to
                                                integrate easily into existing crushing and screening operations.              screen materials on site. Available   Drum types include Fine Screening   customers with access to larger
                                                                                                                               in fine screening or aeration/    (star screen), Screener Crusher   plant and the need for high volumes.
                                                1412CT                                                                         homogenisation drum designs, the   and Stabilisation.               Highly cost effective in soft rock
                                                The Tesab 1412T is a secondary impact crusher designed to accept a             DL-Series also features replaceable                                 crushing applications such as coal,
                                                wide variety of material sizes, while also producing a superior cubical        'cassettes' allowing customers to                                   gypsum or limestone where the
                                                shaped product. The 1412T is fitted with a heavy duty feed hopper and          change screen size to suit different                                potential to replace expensive static
                                                belt feeder design, while the crusher unit boasts a 1200mm (47") rotor         jobs and applications.                                              or mobile equipment exists.
                                                incorporating the unique Tesab crushing path design, which produces a          If you would like any further information on any of the products featured,
     PRODUCT RANGE  22                          the 1412T can work standalone or integrate easily into existing crushing       please don’t hesitate to email                                       23
                                                high reduction ratio. Suited for both secondary and tertiary applications

                                                and screening operations.
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