Page 18 - Thirst Magazine Issue 2 June 2017
P. 18


             BEER HOP


                                       By Julian Healey

                                      n the late 1800’s the world of beer hops
                                      really started to get interesting. Around
                                      that time, brewers and growers began
                                      investigating the active ingredients in hops
                       Lupulin is a
                   resinous powder   Imuch more closely leading to the creation
                                    of Wye College (closed in 2009), one of the
                  extracted from the   first hop breeding programs ever established.
               female flowers of the   Researchers at Wye College discovered
                 hop plant and used   distinct differences between hops grown
                    as a sedative. –   in different parts of the world. American   began investing in the study and creation of
        hops tended to be bold with intense flavours   brand new varieties for the US beer market.
                                    and aromas stemming from increased levels    Shifting away from the embrace of
                                    of lupulin. This was in stark contrast to   unique varieties and their natural variations
                                    traditional English hops, which were far   of essential oils, the creation of high
                                    more subtle, delicate and floral in nature.  alpha varieties has been a focus for growers
                                                                              over the past 100 years. This is in large part
                                    HYBRIDS                                   driven by the popularity of mass-produced
                                                                              beer styles largely devoid of hop flavours and
                       Alpha acids   Armed with this knowledge, researchers at   aromas. Things are changing though.
                      (α acids) are   Wye began cross breeding varieties. They   Craft beer is now turning the notion that
                 a class of chemical   created hybrids more resistant to disease, with   alpha is king on its head. In the search for
                       compounds    increased bitterness and cherry picked flavour   more unique flavours and aromas, essential
                        primarily of   characteristics and in the process creating vast   oils are reigning supreme and drinkers can’t
                  importance to the   new prospects for brewers.              get enough.
                 production of beer.   In the early 1900’s these programs
                  They are found in   culminated in the creation of varieties like   DEMAND FOR AROMA AND FLAVOUR
                                    Challenger, Brewers Gold and Northern
                   the resin glands   Brewer. Many of these hops bred at Wye   Renowned beer expert Stan Hieronymus
                   of the flowers of   directly enabled the creation of now iconic   thinks, on the back of craft beer, hoppiness
                  the hop plant and   modern US varieties like Citra and Mosaic.  has undoubtedly made a huge comeback.
                   are the source of                                             “Right now there are a significant number
                   hop bitterness. –                                          of drinkers voting for aroma and flavour.
                         Wikipedia  NEW VARIETIES                             Hops are a big part of satisfying that demand.
                                    As beer markets expanded, breeding           “Each niche offers an opportunity for
                                    programs too began in the United States.   further exploration. We’ve got breweries
                                    There, universities like Oregon State and more   looking for ways to get more fruit and
                                    recently, Washington and Michigan State   juice (flavours) from hops and those intent


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