Page 16 - Thirst Magazine Issue 2 June 2017
P. 16


                          Hops have been around through history.
                          They have been used in the brewing process
                          for beer for more than 1,000 years. The first
                          known cultivation of hops for the purpose of
                          brewing occurred in Central Asia.
                             Until the end of the 15th century, Britain’s
                          nationally recognized drink was ale (the “un-
                          hopped” brew.) As the practice of cultivating
                          hops began to make its way to the Maidstone-
                          area of Kent, England, the British began using
                          hops to preserve beer for shipment on via long
                          ocean voyages.
                             By 1655, ale began to fall out of favor with   the high demand for fresh beer, to help
                          British citizens, and hops began to be used on   counteract the heat incurred as a result the
                          purpose to enhance or modify the depth of   local climate. British brew masters began the
                          character and flavor profile of beer.     practice of adding a lot of hops to the beer to
                             At the beginning of the century, there   help preserve its freshness, drinkability, and
                          were only about 12 known varieties of hops   quality for the months-long voyage by sea.
                          available to brewers. Today, the number of   Once the shipment reached its final
                          available hops varieties has grown by leaps   destination and was opened, it was discovered
                          and bounds. There are more than 100 varieties   that the addition of hops not only kept the
                          of hops being produced today. The number of   beer fresh, it also gave the beer a wonderfully
                          varieties continues to grow every year, thanks   deep flavor profile and pleasant aroma.
                          to the extensive efforts of dedicated breeders,
                          the plant’s resistance to disease and overall   HOW HOPS ARE USE IN THE
                          crop yields have vastly improved.         BREWING PROCESS
                          WHAT ARE HOPS USED FOR?                   Hops is a bit of an unusual beer-brewing

                          Initially, hops were used as a natural    ingredient, in that it possesses a unique ability
                          preservative to keep beer fresh as it was   to add both desired levels of bitterness and
                          transported to far-flung destinations. India   balance to the beer. This is due, in part, to
                          Pale Ale (IPA) was inadvertently created as   the bittering agent contained in the alpha
                          a result adding lots of hops to help preserve   acid resin of the cones of the hops plant. This
                          shipments of beer to India in the 18th century.  agent is activated during the boiling stage of
                             British citizens living in India accounted   brewing beer. Greater amounts of the bittering

                                         THE MAIN CATEGORIES OF BEER-BREWING HOPS
                        By adding different kinds of hops, at varying stages of the boiling process, brew masters can
                          experiment to achieve different and complex hops flavor and aroma profiles for their beer.

                     Contains an        Contains an        The hops are steeped     Added halfway through     Added to the
                    average of 10%     average of 5%     in hot wort (much like   the boiling process   fermenter late in
                    of alpha acids     of alpha acids    steeping tea in hot   to protect against the   the fermentation
                    by weight.         by weight.        water) to release the   over-evaporation of   stage (after it stops
                                                         alpha acid resins and   aromatics, while at the   bubbling), instead
                     Known as           Known as         essential oils.      same time achieving   of during the boiling
                    “Kettle Hops.”     “Finishing Hops.”                      the desired flavor   process. This gives
                                                           This process allows
                     Added to the boil     Added at the end of   the oils and resins   profile.    the finished beer a
                    at the beginning   the boiling process   more time to oxidize     Small amounts of   more pronounced
                    of the process and   and boiled for   and become more     different hops can be   aroma, without
                    boiled for roughly   roughly 15 minutes  water soluble,   added 30 minutes     incurring aroma
                    one hour.                                                                      loss due to the
                                                         resulting in the release   before the end of   carbon dioxide
                                                         of greater amounts of   the boiling process   bubbles.
                                                         the oils and acids in   to build depth of the
                                                         the beer.            beer’s character.

                   HOP OIL —  Concentrated oil extracted and distilled from hops that adds flavour and aroma to the beer during dry-hopping or conditioning.


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