Page 11 - Thirst Magazine Issue 2 June 2017
P. 11


                                          BRIAN BARTUSCH                                       MATTHEW

                                          Brian Bartusch is a co-                              FERGUSSON-STEWART
                                          founder of Beervana,
                                          the first craft beer                                 Matthew Fergusson-
                                          importer to Thailand;                                Stewart is William Grant
                                          an accomplished home                                 & Sons’ Asia Pacific
                                                                                               Brand Ambassador and
               ALVIN LIM                  brewer and beer judge     JULIAN HEALEY              a veteran of the whisky
               Alvin Lim is one of five   in several international   Julian Healey is a        industry. The native
                                          competitions. He
               partners who operates      has completed the         journalist turned          Western Australian first
               two Taps Beer Bars,        Professional Beer Styles   marketing consultant,     encountered whisky when
               dedicated to serving craft   and Tasting course at   author and entrepreneur.   he studied chemistry at
               beers from around the      the Siebel institute, is a   Venturing from his home   the University of Western
               world, and MyBeer (M)      trained Cicerone Beer     in Melbourne, the craft    Australia (UWA) in
               Sdn Bhd, which imports     Guide and a Beer Judge    beer capital of Australia,   Perth. A love for single
               and distributes craft beers   Certification Program   Julian has travelled      malts eventually led
               in Malaysia. Apart from    (BJCP) entry-level judge.   to four continents       him to name his first
               these, they also manage    He is most likely sipping   conversing with brewers   born daughter ‘Islay’.
               Takumi Craft Bar at Isetan   a beer right now in one of   and hop farmers about   Matthew has spent the
               The Japan Store in Lot 10.  Bangkok’s finer drinking   their craft. Founder of   last decade honing his
               They have been in the      establishments. , Julian       thirst for the whisky
               business for 5 years now                             launched the online        craft, including being
               and are at the forefront      brian.bartusch         resource in 2014           the State Manager of
               of driving the craft beer                            enabling brewers easy      The Scotch Malt Whisky
               revolution forward. While                            and free access to a       Society in Western
               craft beer is still relatively                       central database of hops   Australia, the creator
               new in Malaysia, they                                information. Driven by a   and Director of Stewart’s
               hope that Malaysians will                            newfound passion for the   Whisky Consultancy
               continue to embrace and                              industry, he continues his   in Singapore, managed
               care about the quality of                            research and has recently   The Auld Alliance
               beers that they drink.                               authored his first book    which houses Southeast
                                                                    on hops. It’s his intention   Asia’s largest whisky
                                                                    to continue traveling and   selection, and created an
                                                                    learning about the ever-   interactive website to help
                                                                    evolving role hops play in   aficionados select their
                                                                    the global craft brewing   preferred single malt.
                                                                    industry.                  He is also the author of
                                                                                               two authoritative and
                                                                                               controversial papers on
                                                                                               chill-filtration, published
                                                                                               by Malt Maniacs.


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