Page 14 - Thirst Magazine Issue 2 June 2017
P. 14
What we have on our book shelves (and TV screens) right now. By Flavia Galeotti
JAPANESE BEER INDUSTRY Just as the title suggests, this is a 12-part
BY JEFFREY W. ALEXANDER (2013) course that spans the world of beers. It’s an
incredibly comprehensive guide that takes
History professor Jeffrey Alexander writes you through lagers, pilsners, aromatic pale
the first English exploration of the steady rise ales, roasty stouts and so on, in easy-to-
of beer in Japan. Over 300 pages Alexander follow classes. You’ll also learn how to pair
documents how Japanese brewers adopted beer with food through suggested tastings,
the liquid into their culture over a few and even start your own beer cellar.
generations, beginning with the start of
brewing in the country, challenges faced
during World War II, and the situation post- WHISKEY: THE DEFINITIVE
war with the emergence of craft beer and WORLD GUIDE
innovative beer-like products. An academic
read, but greatly interesting to Japanophiles BY MICHAEL JACKSON (2017 EDITION)
and industry professionals alike. From the famous, late whisk(e)y writer
Michael Jackson (not the singer), take a
journey across the globe to discover the
world of whisk(e)y today. From Scotland to
TASTING WHISKEY: Japan, you’ll learn about the distilleries and
AN INSIDER’S GUIDE TO the tasting notes of key whiskies, as well as
THE UNIQUE PLEASURES cocktails, food pairings, and proper storage,
through this beautifully illustrated guide.
BY LEW BRYSON (2014) Documentary
Lew Bryson – who has been writing about TSUKIJI WONDERLAND
beers and spirits since 1995 – shares in this DIRECTED BY NAOTARO ENDO (2016)
book everything there is to know about
the world’s greatest whiskies. Covering Here we take a little detour and shine a
everything from Scotch, bourbon, Irish, spotlight on food rather than drink with this
Japanese, and even Canadian whisk(e)y, 1 hour 51 minute tour through Japan’s famous
this is a comprehensive guide on how to Tsukiji Fish Market in Tokyo. Filmed over 16
collect, age, and serve the amber liquid. months since March 2014, Endo-san’s first
feature film was made for posterity before
the market is to be closed and moved from
the site in Tokyo to Toyosu in winter 2017 (or
BEER, FOOD, AND FLAVOR : so the plan goes) in preparation for the 2020
Olympic Games. It’s an immersive look at the
A GUIDE TO TASTING, PAIRING, intense and fast-paced life on the floor of what
AND THE CULTURE OF CRAFT BEER is known as ‘the kitchen of Japan’, where over
12,000 workers and 30,000 customers conduct
BY SCHUYLER SCHULZ (EXPANDED SECOND EDITION 2015) business over a wide variety of the freshest
Learn how to properly taste and describe craft prime seafood in the world. Focus is placed
beers, and how to pair them with fine food in squarely on the nakaoroshi, the highly skilled
this 300 page guide by experienced chef and intermediate wholesalers who sift through
connoisseur Schuyler Schultz. The book is an each day’s offerings to find the best products
exploration into how craft beer and the new for their chef clients, each one going through
American food movement can be integrated their business like a master painter.
together, also bearing in mind local and Enjoy the film with a plate of fresh sashimi
sustainable production. and a dram of Japanese whisky for a full
sensory experience (minus the crowds).
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