Page 8 - Thirst Magazine Issue 2 June 2017
P. 8


                                                                ISSUE 02                 CREDITS

                                                                       JUNE 2017         KIM CHOONG

                                        With the rise of the craft beer scene in         KOK HIN
                                        Malaysia and around the region, and more         Designer
                                        women getting into the drinks business, we       MEI LING
                                        decided to combine the two. We also notice
                                        that beer drinkers normally have a nose for      Web Programmer
                                        whiskies, so the latter covers quite some pages   KIM CHOONG
                                        in this issue as well.                           Photographer

                                        We got in touch with Lan-Xin Foo (p.24), the     Contributors
                       Singaporean Assistant Brewer at arguably the best collaboration   ALVIN LIM, BETH FIELDS, BRIAN BARTUSCH,
                       brewpub – Warpigs in Copenhagen; visited Winnie Hsu (p.28), the   FLAVIA GALEOTTI, AD HARTLEY, JULIAN HEALEY,
                       most recognised brewer in Taiwan who has already won numerous     KD HUGGINS, MATTHEW FERGUSSON-STEWART
                       awards for the barely year old Taihu Brewery; and flew to Osaka   Printers
                       to meet Kaori Oshita (p.32), the eldest of the three sisters who run   THUMBPRINTS UTD SDN BHD
                       the legendary Minoh Brewery. We also met with Marine Lucchini     Lot 24 Jalan RP3,
                       from Chalong Bay who has changed the Thai’s perception on the     Rawang Perdana Industrial Estate,
                       quality of local spirits, and also our very own independent bottler,   48000 Rawang, Selangor, Malaysia.
                       the Ipoh-born Eiling Lim (p.39) who aims to give Malaysian whisky   Phone: +603 6092 9809
                       drinkers more unique alternatives.                      
                       In the travel section, Kampai Japan (p58) features drinking places   THIRST MEDIA PLT
                       in three cities that shouldn’t be missed for their characters and
                       meticulous service. Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka are all quite different   11-3-6 Menara Antara, Bukit Ceylon,
                                                                                         50200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
                       in their vibe and people, except all share the one love and great   Phone: +603 2785 0713
                       passion for local craft beers.                          
                       We talk about hops (p.15), the most important ingredient that     Subscription & Retail enquiries
                       makes IPA unique and the trends (p18) surrounding this raw        Visit
                       material that gives our beer the aroma and flavour. On the same   or call +603 2785 0713
                       level, we explore the world of whisky (p.49) and the trends (p.52)
                       that are in place to fulfil the increasing demand from whisky     Advertising enquiries
                                                                                         Editorial enquiries
                       Don’t miss out a heartfelt sharing by Malaysian craft beer importer,
                       Alvin Lim (p.62) on taxes and containers. We also invited a few
                       professionals in the craft beer industry for a session of pairing beer   SOCIAL MEDIA
                       with Malaysian food, go check out how your favourite dish did on
                       Lastly, do sign up to our newly formed Thirst Club. We will have
                       discounts and exclusive events with our affiliates and you don’t
                       want to miss them. Tell us where you’d like to visit and we’ll see
                       what we can do with getting you a special deal. Write to us at    Thirst Magazine is published quarterly by
                                                          Thirst Media PLT (002076129-V) with permit
                                                                                         number KDN PP19146/02/2017 (034680).
                                                                                         While every care has been taken to ensure
                                                                                         the accuracy of the contents, the Publisher
                                                                                         shall not be held responsible for any and
                                                                                         all omissions, inaccuracies, errors, losses,
                       Cheers!                                                           claims, damages and compulsion for better
                       KIM CHOONG                                                        drinks arising therefrom. No part of this
                       Editor-in-chief                                                   magazine can be reproduced without prior
                                                                                         written consent from the Publisher.


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