Page 3 - Human Development Division
P. 3
Resilience at Glance / Jan. 2019
Civil Society Engagement Poli-
The Division has produced and finalized the Civil Society Engagement Policy aiming at setting guiding principles and IsDB approach to deal with the CSOs and NGOs in Member Countries (MCs) and Non MCs. More specifically, the policy objectives are to: (i) create a framework of dialogue and consultation with NGOs in order to foster the sharing of knowledge and experiences; and (ii) improve the direct assistance to local communities in Member Countries (MCs) through CSOs. The Policy was prepared in-line with the IsDB’s guidelines and procedures. It is based on a technical/analytical report that analyses the Bank’s previous work with civil society including its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The report also reviews the engagement policies, strategies, best practices and lessons learned from other Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) and development partners. The Policy also takes into account findings and recommendations of wide range of internal and external consultations with MCs, development partners, UN agencies, regional organizations and CSOs. Moreover, it also benefited from a consultative workshop with representatives from the MCs that was held in Istanbul in Turkey in October 2018. The Policy is submitted to the Board of Executive Directors of IsDB for consideration and approval.