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Human Development
Resilience & Social Development Department
1st issue, Resilience at Glance Jan. 2019
The Human Development Division
The Mandate of the Human Development Division is to serve as a focal point and ‘resource center’ for all matters related to Post-Conflict, Fragility, Disaster Management and Resilience (DMR), Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). The Division is responsible for developing policies, strategies, assistance frameworks, operational initiatives and programs knowledge products development and dissemination related to the above-mentioned thematic areas. The Division is also mandated to mainstream NGOs, CSOs, disaster management, fragility and resilience in the Bank’s country engagements such as MCPS, programs and projects. The Division introduces and designs transformative and innovative programs/schemes that improve the Bank’s support towards forced displacement, refugees and internally displaced peoples. The key activities and contribution to the targets of the President’s 5-Years Program in 2018 are summarized in this Newsletter.
> Funding, Partnership and Resource Mobilization 1 > Reinforcement 3 > Innovative and Transformational Initiatives 4 > Awareness: Knowledge Product Development and Dissemination 7 > International Platforms and Networks 10 > Internal Knowledge Sharing 13
Human Development Division Team:
Abdi Moalin Abdullahi, Manager Morooj Safdar, Relief & Development Specialist Mohamed Al Hadi, Laed Fragility & Resilience Specialist Mariam Modafer, Admintrative Assistant Ahmed Berthe, Senior NGO & Civil Society Specialist