Page 190 - Zakat & Waqf: Impact on Women and Community Development
P. 190

180 | Zakat & Waqf: Impact on Women and Community Development
                                  ©  Zakat & Waqf: Impact on Women and Community Development
                                                            ISBN 978-967-####-##-#

            juga menganalisis kaedah kutipan zakat padi yang dilaksanakan pada
            masa  dahulu  dan  kini  di  negeri  Kedah  Darul  Aman,  kemerosotan
            kutipan   zakat   pertanian   serata   cadangan-cadangan   untuk
            meningkatkan kutipan zakat pertanian di Kedah Darul Aman.

            Kata kunci : Kutipan, zakat pertanian, peningkatan, Kedah


            The agricultural produces that is obliged to issue zakat in Malaysia is
            on staple food of a particular region that has met the nisab (minimal
            value).This  definition  is  practised  by  most  of  the  zakat  collection
            centers in Malaysia such as Kedah (Kedah Zakat Institute), Selangor
            (Selangor  Zakat  Institution),  Melaka  (Malacca  Zakat  Collection
            Center), Pahang (Pahang Zakat Collection Center) and others. In the
            Malaysian context it is understood that the basic or staple food of the
            community is rice or paddy. Therefore, zakat of plants is required on
            paddy when it has fullfill the specific conditions. The study analyzes
            the basis of the implementation of agricultural zakat (rice) in the state
            of Kedah Darul Aman under the Old Kedah law as contained in the
            phase  3  of  Tembera  Seri  Paduka  Tuan  (1667M),  the  Kedah
            administrative law at that time and the Kedah Zakat Enactment which
            was in force before independence in 1955. The study also analyzed the
            implementation of the agricultural zakat (rice) based on the Kedah
            State  Zakat  Board  Enactment  2015  and  rulings  (fatwa)  during  the
            Fatwa Committee of Kedah Darul Aman, the factors that led to decline
            of agricultural zakat as well as suggestions to improve and increase the
            agricultural zakat in the state of Kedah.

            Key words : Zakat collection, agricultural zakat, increasing, Kedah

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