Page 96 - Zakat & Waqf: Impact on Women and Community Development
P. 96
86 | Zakat & Waqf: Impact on Women and Community Development
© Zakat & Waqf: Impact on Women and Community Development
ISBN 978-967-####-##-#
qualitative research methodologies, particularly the utilization of field
notes, the study explores the intricate dynamics of financial
constraints, health issues, and the lack of familial and community
support experienced by these women. The Jarum Emas Project,
framed within the principles of Islamic finance, relies on zakat and
waqf to empower mompreneurs through various initiatives. The
research unfolds by examining the experiences and observations
meticulously recorded during the engagement with participants in
sewing classes, workshops, and social gatherings. Field notes serve as
a dynamic repository of the lived experiences of mompreneurs,
capturing their resilience, challenges, and successes. Ethical
considerations and reflexivity are intertwined with the research
process, ensuring transparency, respect for participants, and an
awareness of the researcher's own biases. The paper sheds light on how
zakat and waqf, as Islamic financial instruments, can be harnessed to
address financial constraints, provide sustainable infrastructure, and
foster skill development. Moreover, it emphasizes the significance of
community support and empowerment in the overall success of
initiatives like the Jarum Emas Project. The findings contribute not
only to the academic discourse on Islamic finance and community
development but also provide practical insights for policymakers and
practitioners seeking to empower marginalized women within
underserved communities. The research advocates for a holistic and
inclusive approach to mompreneur empowerment, blending financial
support with skill development, community engagement, and ethical
Keywords: Zakat, Waqf, Islamic Social Finance, Sustainable finance,