Page 1 - ENEW- June 2021 edition
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Launched November 2014 2
The Kings and Queens
Of The Empire State: E-News
June 2021 Lionism. CC Deborah Harrison
My dear Lions and Leos,
I congratulate every Lion leader, and PCC Gloria Askew were con-
Volume V111, No. 6 Lion and Leo for incredible ser- ferred the International President’s
vice during this Lionistic year, Medal, the second highest award
in Lionism. Lion Orin Hazelwood
which was unlike any other in the
global history of Lionism. In was recognized with the Brandel /
Murphy Everyday Heroes Award.
addition to highlighting the inter-
connectedness of all people, We are so proud of their service
COVID-19 spotlighted how the
poor and underserved communi-
ties were disproportionately af-
fected. Our focus on the “Global I fondly remember the legacy of
Causes” of Lionism must become those 27 Lions who completed
their divine assignments and
even more strategic as we move
forward into the post-pandemic returned to eternity. And I salute
the rest of us who remain commit-
ted to the local and global projects
that are yet to be identified and
Although this was not the Lion-
istic Year that we envisioned, I am accomplished. I am confident that
the incoming leadership team of
proud that many clubs created
extraordinary opportunities Cochran, Andrews-Campbell and
through the challenges and forced Robles will continue the fellow-
changes. You continued to serve ship and service momentum which
is one of the distinguishing hall-
and enjoy fellowship safely, re- marks of District 20-K1. With
Inside this issue: cruit new members and conduct your support, we will continue to
Our Mid-Winter Conference, grow, learn and sustain our viabil-
Inside Story 2 World Wide Induction Day, Humani- I am especially grateful to my
tarian Awards Event and Lions Day Advisory Team, PCC / PDG Glo-
with the UN, though virtual, each ria Askew, PDG Jacqueline Wil- We pray for extraordinary success
Inside Story 2 was a “rocking and roaring suc- liams and PDG Leroy Foster who in the LY2021 - 2022 under the
cess.” I salute each committee for the supported me with unity in pur- distinguished leadership of IP
Douglas X. Alexander and .the
Inside Story 2 earnest support. pose and vision. I will always incoming District 20-K1 adminis-
treasure the substance of your trative team!
I applaud the Cabinet Officers, guidance, encouragement and
Inside Story 3 NAMI Champion, GAT Leadership advocacy during this unprecedent-
and Committee Chairs for their con- ed Lionistic Year. In service with kindness, humility
and love,
Inside Story 4 stancy and commitment. Special DG Jacqueline V. Phillips,
kudos to the Mental Health Team for District 20-K1 gives a standing
supporting my Signature Project and ovation to PDG Jacqueline Wil- 2020 - 2021
Inside Story 5 the IT Team for providing the spe- liams who was decorated with The
cialized high tech systems that af- Ambassador of Goodwill Presiden-
Inside Story 6 forded sustainability for our District. tial Medal, the highest award in