Page 10 - ENEW- June 2021 edition
P. 10

Volume V111, No. 6     LEOS ZONE
                                                                               Engaging Our Youth

          “We must nurture our young cubs,                                                                                                                                   “Leos are Not our future!
         so they grow strong and become stronger Lions”                                                                                                                    They are our present”
         ~ PIP Joseph Preston                                                                                                                          ~ PIP Barry Palmer

                                    WE SERVE TOO

                                           Let’s Enjoy OurSelves

              iGen LEO CL UB

          On May 1, 21 Leos assembled at Fran-
          cis Lewis Park in Queens to engage in a
          river cleaning effort.  The day was
          spent enjoying nature but the focus was
          on removing all garbage from the park
          and the beach.
          Here’s the metrics from this event:
          ~ Small bags of trash (est. 15lbs): 1 bag
          ~ Bags of recycling (est. 15lbs): 2 bags
          ~ Total weight collected: 42lbs
          # of single-use plastic bags: 15
          # of facemasks: 18
          # of disposable gloves: 32

          The most common item you collected?
          Broken glass pieces, beverage bottles
          and small pieces of broken plastic
          (along shoreline).
          The most interesting or unexpected
          item you collected?  Injectors and con-
          doms (along shoreline).
          Story and photos by,

          ACT Yalin Weng

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