Page 13 - ENEW- June 2021 edition
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The Kings and Queens LEOS ZONE
Engaging Our Youth
“We must nurture our young cubs, “Leos are Not our future!
so they grow strong and become stronger Lions” They are our present”
~ PIP Joseph Preston ~ PIP Barry Palmer
Let’s Enjoy OurSelves
third stream music and fusion jazz.
He had many different bands and men-
tored many others like John Coltrane.
Writing letters to the elderly will help me developing serious complications after con-
to improve my writing skills and cheer THE PANDEMIC tracting the virus, their families limited visits
up those who have no family. This is to keep them safe. This leaves our senior
like a Pen Pal Project where we share by citizens feeling lonely with no one to talk to.
conversations about things we have in LEO STEPHANIE TANG One way Leos can reach out to show their
common. According to the NIH Tips support, is over Zoom or other video-
For Improving Communication With chatting platforms. By video chatting with
Older Patients, “Good communication is the elderly, they would have someone to talk
an important part of the healing Pro- When the COVID-19 pandemic hit last to and feel less lonely during these times.
cess” Effective doctor - patient commu- March, our world changed drastically and Another way Leos and other teens can safely
nication has research proven benefits. affected the workplace, schools and commu- communicate with the elderly is by going to
“Patients are more likely to adhere to nity service. Before the pandemic, Leos and their homes and talking to them from behind
treatment plans and have better out- Lions were able to meet up and work dili- their glass screens, remaining 6+ feet apart.
comes. They express greater satisfaction gently together to serve the needy and vul- This way, the elderly can stay safe when
with their treatments and are less likely nerable. But it became extremely difficult to meeting with outside people, and still talk
to file malpractice suits.” Simple com- organize, especially while having to follow about their emotions, memories, or share
munication like talking and writing can COVID guidelines and keep everyone safe. valuable life lessons.
be beneficial for promoting good health. One year later, vaccines opened up opportu-
Another article on The Benefits of Com- nities to serve safely in the community. Working from home impacted the lives of
munication for Seniors and Caregivers adults and children. Parents had to keep up
says, “Social Distancing measures put in Some service projects that Leos conducted with their massive workloads while helping
place in response to COVID-19 are a while keeping themselves and others safe, children with difficult schoolwork, cooking
powerful reminder of what it means to included organizing food and PPE drives, meals, and making sure they attend classes
fully connect with other people and how talking with the elderly, and taking care of on time. Teens can step in to help, especially
enriching and fulfilling communication children through Zoom. After a year of being with their younger siblings. This can also
can be for people of all ages, particular- in a pandemic, it is saddening to see that become a valuable service project.
ly seniors.” This pandemic proved the some families still lack the resources to keep
importance of communication and how themselves healthy and safe. Food, gloves, By Leo Stephanie Tang
the lack if it can be dangerous for all masks, alcohol, and hand sanitizers are just
human beings, especially our seniors. some of the essentials that are still needed.
This is where Leos can step in to help. Loss
This project will also help me to get to of jobs is still a problem, making it even
understand the “stories of the elderly and more difficult to make ends meet. We can
their life experiences”. I am especially help by continuing to organize food drives to
interested in their views about black help people who are struggling because of
history, government policies and signifi- difficult financial situations and need to feel
cant events in history, like the Martin a sense of security.
Luther King March on Washington. I
wonder whether they ever heard Charlie Another group of people who have been
Parker or Miles Davis play in person. impacted greatly by the pandemic is the el-
derly. Lions and Leos have served the elderly
This is my plan for giving back and sup- at facilities like the Senior Citizen Party,
porting my community during the pan- where we were able to provide them with
demic, and at the same time, staying clothing, books, and other necessities. How-
safe. ever, since the pandemic, it has been difficult
to reach out and support them. In addition,
By Leo David Farquhar because the elderly are at high-risk of
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