Page 14 - ENEW- June 2021 edition
P. 14
The Kings and Queens
LDUN: “Connected Through Service”
(Snippets of Speeches)
On Saturday, April 10, over 4,000 event. LCI remains committed to
Lions and Leos, UN diplomats and build more inclusive community rela-
dignitaries representing 110 coun- tionships. Though we are many, our
tries and geographical regions, hearts beat as one because we serve in
logged on to Hopin to virtually harmony with our diversity.”
celebrate the 75 years of partnership
between Lions Clubs International In her message on Diabetes Advocacy,
and The United Nations. Noted VDG Terri Huffman highlighted the
among the executive officers were importance of financial support to
IP Jung Yul Choi and his partner-in- encourage education, fitness, adequate
service, Lion Seung-Bok, IPIP Gud- nutrition and routine glucose testing to
run Bjort Yngvadottur (LCIF Chair) strengthen treatment for individuals
and her partner-in-service, Lion Jon, and communities.
FIVP Douglas X. Alexander and his
partner-in-service, VDG Shabiki, “LCIF is that important cornerstone IP Jung-Yul Choi
2nd. VP Brian Sheehan and his of LCI that supports the global net-
partner-in-service, Lion Lori, 3rd. work of vulnerable, underserved com-
VP Patti Hill and her partner-in- munities. Since 1998, $1.1 billion in
service, Lion Greg, PIP Al Brandel, grant funding has provided moments
(Event Chair),and his partner-in- of hope during catastrophes. COVID
service, Lion Dr. Maureen relief financed food insecurities, pur- FIVP Douglas X. Alexander
chase of PPE and other life-saving
This long-standing relationship services,” stated IPIP Gudrun, LCIF
commemorates LCI’s position as Chair. “We help the citizens of the
the consultative non-governmental world to strive when we support Cam-
organization that helped to develop paign 100,” she continued.
the charter for the UN. “Campaign 100 depends on you to
conquer the global epidemic of diabe-
IP Choi observed that this year of tes, childhood cancer, hunger, vision
uncertainty has witnessed incredible loss and environmental instability”,
acts of humanitarian service for the she concluded.
most vulnerable populations who
were affected the hardest. PCC Miriam Vazquez reported on the
“Because of your kindness and aftermath of Hurricane Maria in 2017
commitment to life-changing work, when 2.4 million residents of Puerto IPIP Gudrun Bort Yngvadottir,
communities with a Lions Club Rico were devastated and suffering a
were able to survive. Your kindness humanitarian crisis. “In a matter of LCIF Chairperson
matters now, more than ever! Be- hours, Red Cross personnel joined
cause of your generosity, LCIF has with Lions to identify families with the
had the global impact of connect- greatest need. With LCIF dollars,
ing, rebuilding and strengthening 2600 blue tents were erected. LCIF PIP Al Brandel, Event Chair
disadvantaged communities. More emergency funding provided food,
than $4 ½ million were dedicated to water, generator power, medical and
COVID-19 relief, serving over 300 cleaning supplies. Donations to LCIF
million people. When LCI, WHO will support disaster
and UN collaborate, we can trans- preparedness”
form nations by being the agent of
change as we expect the promise of
a brighter future”
“Despite the challenges of staging a
virtual assembly during year 2 of
this global pandemic which uncov-
ered some negative after-effects of
despair and racism”, PIP Brandel
disclosed, “more people took the
opportunity to participate in this PCC Gloria V. Askew
PCC Miriam Vasquez, discusses “Diabetes”
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