Page 12 - ENEW- June 2021 edition
P. 12
Volume V111, No. 6 LEOS ZONE
Engaging Our Youth
“We must nurture our young cubs, “Leos are Not our future!
so they grow strong and become stronger Lions” They are our present”
~ PIP Joseph Preston ~ PIP Barry Palmer
Let’s Enjoy OurSelves
PRESENTS Leo David Farqhar
The Pandemic placed so many re-
strictions on us as teenagers. To stay
With knowledgeable LCI’s Chair Lion
Kimberly Haynes as the presenter, Li- safe and still do my part in my commu-
nity, I chose to devote my time to help
ons Quest was reintroduced to District
20-K1 via Zoom on April 29th, 2021. the elderly. I conducted this project
through Zoom by playing my instru-
The event saw several Lions Clubs rep- ment and then writing letters to those
who do not have internet access or are
resentatives and teachers (local and
international) participating in 90 not tech savvy. This helped to alleviate
some of the loneliness they are feeling
minutes of information gathering, rang- during this time. By doing this, the
ing from ways to engage students and
their families to Lions Quest Grants. elderly can still remain safe and enter-
Lions Quest is a comprehensive and At school, I am part of the KIPP AMP
universal, evidence-based social and
emotional learning program. SEL is a Middle School Jazz Academy. As a
musician, I like to share my talents with
process through which children and
adults acquire and effectively apply the the elderly. It will not only help me to
practice playing my songs in front of
knowledge, attitudes, and skills neces-
sary to understand and manage emo- people, but it will bring happiness to the
elderly in so many ways. There are
tions, set and achieve goals, feel and
show empathy for others, establish posi- many benefits to listening to music,
especially jazz. According to Enlivant’s
tive relationships, and make responsible
decisions. “Benefits of Music for Seniors” music
can be used to improve health, enhance
Please do not hesitate to contact me @ moods and even improve memory. or via text/ Jazz, for example, is a genre, to which
WhatsApp @ 646-361 many of them can relate. They can re-
-6277, for more infor- flect on memories of “the good old
mation and details for days”
Part 2.
I will coordinate with the staff at the
LL Audrey P. Doorn, Nursing Home to get a mutually con-
Lions Quest Chair venient date and time and their internet
access. I will play five songs composed
by the greats on my saxophone, includ-
ing Isfahan by Duke Ellington,
Bloomdido by Charlie Parker, Straight
No Chaser by Miles Davis, Caravan
by Dike Ellington, Irvin Miles and Juan
Tizol, Work Song by Nathaniel Adderly
To me, Miles Davis is one of the most
influential musicians because he found-
ed many types of cool jazz, hard bop,
Cont. on page 13
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