Page 16 - ENEW- June 2021 edition
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The Kings and Queens
What a Way to Celebrate 75 Years of Partnership
unconnected as a result of On March 19, 2021 as the LCI Why is it important to see if we
their infrastructure and Representative to UNWOMEN of have struck a chord with the
struggling economies. We the United Nations, I also facilitat- registrants of the CSW? Very
reminded our 5,600 Lions ed a program that was sponsored simply this was our first out-
present that our connections by the Lions and distributed reach to the global community
allow us to continue to through the UNWOMEN’s Annual on this UN platform. It was our
serve and to learn from each Event, the Commission on the goal to bring awareness to our
other’s best practices and Status of Women or commonly Lions’ work and to invite this
successful endeavors. We referred to as CSW 65/2021. very diverse audience to join
heard from fellow Lions with us in service to the many
For the first time ever, LDUN through the ‘chat messages and In December of 2020, with the needs of women and families
help of the amazing LCI UN
was broadcast virtually world- texts’. Most importantly we found Team, I applied on behalf of LCI, around the world. PID Sangeeta
Jatia highlighted water conser-
wide. Over 5,600 Lions, Leos this opportunity to be one of the to present a program on LCI and vation and environmental efforts
most reassuring means to be able to
and guests from 140 countries say to each other, “We are here for LCIF. We wanted to focus on and to addressed environmental
registered for this event, cele- each other in a very difficult time areas of interest between our or- needs at Lions projects in India
brating 75 years of partner- in the world and we will continue ganization and the UNWOMEN and China. The Impact of Lions
organization. The emphasis was
ship with the United Nations. to be connected by answering the on Health and Wellness, Education Quest here in Long Island, New
We engaged in a global con- call to serve our fellow neighbors, and Environment. Our application York and in Italy and Australia
was shared. Our very own Lion
our local communities, and our
versation on being “Connected partners such as the United Na- was approved and we were off to Mildred Ramirez of District 20-
Through Service.” tions agencies and our clubs across the races. We designed this K1 and Barbara Bentley from
LCI Website Page, Announcing the world.” presentation to highlight the work Lions of Saratoga, New York
of Lions across the world and cele-
the Lions Day at the UN” spoke to the issues of Diabetes.
You can enjoy the entire brate the contribution of our Lions It was simply a remarkable ex-
My fellow 20-K1 Lions, program for this day through in improving the health and well- change of information from all!!!
ness of women and families world-
This year can be summed up in a few the Lions You Tube Chan- wide. We acknowledged the com- I cannot thank our LIONS
words, “Can You Hear Me?” and “Send nel. The Lions UN Team mon and shared goals of Lions and LEADERSHIP enough for not
Me the Zoom Link”. On April 10, led by PIP Al Brandel has UNWOMEN and the UNITED finding it too unusual to partici-
2021 I had the amazing honor to mod- NATIONS, especially with respect pate in this level of activity at
erate an hour and ½ long panel discus- really excelled this year, by to the 5 Global Initiatives and the the UN. I can’t thank our Lions
sion related to the relationship between keeping to a very simple UN’s Sustainable Development who joined and encouraged us to
the Lions and the United Nations. The message of “Connecting Goals. share valuable information.
panel represented some of our leading Around Service Opportuni- Most importantly, I am truly
Lion contributors across the world and I cannot describe in any adequate grateful and honored to have
a well informed and very insightful UN ties”. manner the enormous received tremendous support and
Representative. honor it was to have PIP talent from our LCI UN Team in
Al Brandel, PIP Gudrun Oakbrook!!! Natalie, Chelsea
The LDUN theme for this year, Yngvadottir, 1 Vice
“Connected through Service” led to a President Douglas X. and Kristopher are so talented
discussion about the impact of the Pan- Alexander and PID and the success of this event, I
demic on all us in communities from Sangeeta Jatia agree to share with them! “Our event was
also lifted by the presentation of
Kenya, to Europe and Connecticut participate and to con- Matt Kiefer of LCI as to the
through New York and to Wisconsin. tribute to this first time
Many thanks, and kudos to PCC Jodi ever event. It was amaz- impact of our social and emo-
Burmeister from Wisconsin, the leader ing. The event was pre- tional learning program known
and founder of the ‘Burmeister Social sented over the UNITED as Lions Quest. Similarly, Lion
Khamisi Grace from the Youth
Experience’. Great discussion with NATIONS platform on Development Department.
Zone Chair Soyum Shah from Kenya March 19, 2021. We presented to
who had amazing insight into our a small onscreen audience and then Lions, our UN TEAM continues
younger Lions’ experiences. What a the program was made available to to look for new challenges. I
wealth of information provided by PDG the 23,600 persons who registered hope to keep reporting on our
Dave Roberts from Connecticut and to attend the UN Event. Ultimate-
originally from California and again we ly, we are still trying to figure out a activities in the future.
cannot thank Michel Syzmanski measurement tool that might cap-
enough. ture how many individuals may Joyfully submitted by,
have watched some portion of the Jackie Williams, PDG
We addressed the impact of technology program since then.
from the heart of business communities
to the parts of the world that remain
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