Page 20 - ENEW- June 2021 edition
P. 20

The Kings and Queens


                    Brooklyn Bedford Stuyvesant Lions Club

                                              Breaking News!

           Members  of  the  Brooklyn  Bedford   all  the  Lions,  Leos,  and  well-wishers
           Stuyvesant Lions Club are overjoyed!   who  supported  their  candidacy.    We
                                             are so proud that communities in Dis-

                                             trict 20-K1 and around the world will
            The “Pride” of the Club pivots on two   benefit from the progressive leadership
           distinguished members who will serve   of  these  two  esteemed  and  illustrious
           in  high  ranking    positions  during  LY   leaders  from  Brooklyn  Bedford  Stuy-
           2021-2022.   DGE   Anthony   B.   vesant Lions Club, Inc.
           Cochran  will  lead  District  20-K1  as
           we  move  into  the  post-pandemic  era.
           IVFP  Douglas  X.  Alexander  will   When  they  are  installed  at  the  103rd.
           serve  as  President  of  Lions  Clubs  In-  International  Convention  in  Montreal,
           ternational.  What  an  honor  for  us  to   we will salute them with a thunderous
           read  aloud,  “Home  Club:  Brooklyn   R-O-A-R !
           Bedford  Stuyvesant  Lions  Club,  Inc.”
           on  local  and  international  stationery.
           We support them 100% plus.        Submitted by,
                                             Lion Shirley Maddox
           Thank  you  for  your  well-established   Brooklyn Bedford Stuyvesant Lions
           Lionistic service to the Bed Stuy com-  Club
           munity and beyond. We are grateful to

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