Page 21 - ENEW- June 2021 edition
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          This unique hybrid Convention was   Hubman invited the congregation   6.  Camp Badger.
          dedicated to the memory of PID Rob-  to focus on the joy that our de-  A Virtual Camp will replace the customary Sum-
          ert Klein.                     ceased Lions brought to the lives of   mer In-Person Experience. Donations are needed
                                         others. “Although it’s hard to say   to continue the 41year history of the program as
          International dignitaries included   goodbye to yesterday”, we were   well as insurance and infrastructure repairs
          IFVP Douglas Alexander, 3rd. VP. Dr.   reminded, “Love never dies - only   (damaged roof, deck and buildings, grounds up-
          Patti Hill, PIP Al Brandel and Lion   people do.  So miss me, but let me   keep)
          Dr. Maureen, current and past Interna-  go!”
          tional Directors, Council Chairs and                             7. MD 20 Foundation.
          Governors of MD20.  The event was   Since the last Convention, MD20
          called to order by CC Deborah Harri-  has lost 237 members, including 27   7 out of 11 Districts applied for grants, mainly to
          son, the presiding officer, followed by   from District 20-K1. “Each had a   relieve food insecurity.  99 RJUs have been
          a virtual Flag Ceremony.       season of dedication to humanitari-  awarded.
                                         an service and left memories of
          THE KEYNOTE ADDRESS:           serving real people with kindness,   Reported by,
                                                                           Lion Annette Hinkson-Smith
          (SUMMARY)                      love and dignity. Let’s celebrate
                                         their lives and look forward to
          IFVP Douglas Alexander warmly   making positive changes in our
          introduced Lion Dr. Patti Hill, 3rd.   community”, Pastor Pat concluded.
          IVP as the virtual guest speaker from
          Canada. “With your dedication to   OTHER BUSINESS
          service, and your finger on the global
          pulse, I look forward to working with   1.  Resolution was adopted as per
          you and VP Brian Sheehan”, declared   publication in MD20 LION, April
          FVP Doug.                      2021
                                         2.  District 20-K1 had 134 Certi-
          “And I am excited to support your   fied Delegates, 90% of who, voted
          focus”, she responded.  “I know that   within 30” of poll opening.
          you’ll make us proud!” She chal-  3.   PIP Al Brandel selected PID
          lenged us to reach out, reclaim and
          nurture returning members and en-  Dr. Ed Cordes to manage An In-
          courage each other to bring one new   ternational Identity for LCI,
          member.  As leaders, we need to be   with a focus on children  and vision
          courageous and take action to realize   care, through an expansion of Kid-
          our ideas.  This pandemic season has
          forced us to develop new,   successful   Sight.
          paradigms, presenting with different   4. Alert Foundation:
          styles, especially through online plat-  Since 2017, a warehouse was dedi-
          forms and social media.  As talent   cated to store and expeditiously
          scouts, another call to action is the   distribute disaster relief emergency
          value of seeking diversity of voices to   supplies, A proposed website will
          develop strength as we move forward
          as an organization.            indicate available stock and equip-
                                         ment to facilitate distribution expe-
                                         ditiously.  A satellite station has
          WORKSHOPS:                     been established in Long Island.
          In an effort to stay relevant, sessions   5. Brandel - Murphy
          were purposefully tailored to meet the   Youth Foundation:
          current needs of Lions, during this
          post - pandemic season.  Course offer-  COVID related grants were provid-
          ings ranged from “Diversity” and   ed to assist families with food inse-
          “Making Change” to “Virtual Meet-  curity. Humanitarian grants pur-
          ings” and “Grant Writing.” Other sem-  chased chrome books to support
          inars focussed on “Mental Health,”   virtual schooling. Wider connec-
          “Diabetes” and the dominant factors   tions to Social Media will provide
          affecting “Membership Growth and   high visibility and sustainability
          Retention”                     through “Planned Giving”to a
                                         “Legacy Program”  ID Gary Brown
          MEMORIAL SERVICE:              will manage this effort. The annual
          The District 20-K1 choir provided the   “Super Bowl Raffle”was replaced
          prelude, “Every Praise Is To Our   by “a Super Hero Raffle” due to
          God.”  In her eulogy, Pastor Pat    COVID travel restrictions.

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